134 results

Envoke - Email Communication Distribution Client

Privacy Impact Assessment #: CS-PIA-2024-04
Public Body Name : Community Services
Date of Approval: Friday, July 19, 2024

The Yukon Government (YG) has implemented Envoke, a new email communication platform, which is a Canadian owned and operated company that specializes in working with communication professionals. The platform is used for email distribution and communication management and enables clients to effectively manage email communication in compliance with Canadian communications and privacy legislation. The Highways and Public Works (HPW) eServices department manages all implementations for YG.

Wildland Fire Management (WFM) is the wildfire response body of the Government of Yukon. Its mandate is to protect life, property, infrastructure and to facilitate the creation of wildfire resilient Yukon communities. WFM also manages burn permits, coordinates community wildfire protection planning, and provides wildfire updates to the public. The WFM Branch of Community Services is desirous of obtaining the services of the Envoke email distribution client. WFM will move from the existing emergency information distribution methods onto the Envoke platform in order to better and more effectively manage Yukon Community Wildfire communications.

This service promotes and ensures safety of lives and property of Yukoners as WFM navigates emergencies particularly during the fire seasons. Subscriptions allow Yukoners to receive emergency wildfire alerts and bulletin notifications for their chosen localities. These communications may include fire alerts, prescribed burning notices, prohibitions, advisories, and evacuation alerts. Yukoners may also receive links to further information about planned work and safety information on Yukon Protective Services social media pages

Envoke - Email Communication Platform

Privacy Impact Assessment #: HPW-PIA-2024-06
Public Body Name : Highways and Public Works
Date of Approval: Monday, July 15, 2024

The Yukon Government (YG) is implementing Envoke, a new email communication platform. Envoke is a Canadian owned and operated company that specializes in working with communication professionals. While other email platforms, such as MailChimp or Constant Contact, are designed for marketers to generate commercial revenue, Envoke focuses on facilitating effective and compliant communication. All client data is maintained on servers in Canada and service support is provided from within Canada as well. Envoke works with organizations such as government agencies, municipalities, universities, regulatory bodies, healthcare providers, financial institutions
and more. Envoke is very user friendly, and administrators can easily manage their accounts, departments, messages, and subscriptions. It has many privacy and security features in place as well as ensures Canadian Anti-spam Law (CASL) compliance. The application includes tools to automatically collect, track and upgrade to express consent under CASL and all types of implied consent expiry dates are tracked to automatically suppress emails where consent is no longer valid.

YG Dental Program Addendum Pharmacare

Privacy Impact Assessment #: HSS-PIA-2024-04
Public Body Name : Health and Social Services
Date of Approval: Friday, July 5, 2024

This PIA is an addendum to document the process change for the Seniors Pharmacare application and gathering of dental data from Medigent and submitting the data to Pacific Blue Cross for processing of dental claims.

Currently, the Pharmacare and Extended Health Benefits Application Forms are processed through the Medigent Claims Processing System by the Pharmacare Dental Officer (PDO). PDO are employees of HSS. Claims are received from the dental office or the pharmacare beneficiary and verified to be eligible in Medigent. Claims are then processed and paid by the Insured Health Finance department.

Moving forward, the Pharmacare and Extended Health Benefits Application Form will continue to be processed through Medigent for the Extended Health Benefits, however all eligible applicants will now be registered with Pacific Blue Cross (PBC) for their Dental Benefits and dental claims will be billed through PBC directly.

Hanger D Video Surveillance Camera System

Privacy Impact Assessment #: CS-PIA-2024-03
Public Body Name : Community Services
Date of Approval: Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Department of Community Services Wildland Fire Management is responsible for managing wildfires; working to prevent personal injury, loss of life and to minimize social and economic disruption resulting from wildfires pursuant to the Government of Yukon's Legislation including the Forest Protection Act, and Civil Emergency Measures Act. In this regard the Department uses Hanger D as a point of assembly for centralized emergency incident management and dispatch. Hanger D also serves as a home to Wildland Fire Management's items and equipment including trailers, quads, oils, and gas tanks. Not only that, the Department has been subject to a few thefts of functional equipment and assets. The theft of these assets has resulted in a loss of capital investment and a diminished capacity for the department to deploy immediate emergency response when needed.

Fuel Oil Tax Act Amendment To Join International Fuel Tax Agreement

Privacy Impact Assessment #: FIN-PIA-2024-01
Public Body Name : Finance
Date of Approval: Monday, June 24, 2024

The Fuel Oil Tax Act is to be amended to include a provision allowing Yukon to join the International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA). This will involve the sharing of fuel purchase business information between Tax Administration in the Department of Finance and IFTA of commercial inter-provincial and through carriers but no personal information will be disclosed to IFTA Inc.

Forestry Permitting System for Personal Use Fuel Wood and Commercial Harvest of Morel Mushrooms

Privacy Impact Assessment #: EMR-PIA-2024-01
Public Body Name : Energy, Mines and Resources
Date of Approval: Wednesday, June 19, 2024

This new service provides a framework for members of public to apply for simple permits issued by the Forest Management Branch (FMB). It replaces the Personal Use Fuel Wood (PUFW) system that is currently supported on the POSSE architecture, to a new architecture supported by the ESRI suite (ArcGIS online) and provides a means for members of the public (referred to as clients) to apply for a PUFW permit, or a Morel Mushroom permit for commercial purposes (generally referred to as ‘forest resources permit’). The service will allow clients to log into the system using MyYukon for authentication and will store basic personal information (name, address, and contact information) in order to issue the permit document.
The system will also be utilized by Compliance, Monitoring, and Inspections employees to enter information on behalf of the client. Additionally, it will facilitate contacting the client as needed to verify harvest totals and to ensure adherence to regulations and policies.

Yukon Indigenous-led Conservation Capacity Fund (ICCF)

Privacy Impact Assessment #: ENV-PIA-2024-04
Public Body Name : Environment
Date of Approval: Thursday, June 13, 2024

The objective of the Indigenous-led Conservation Capacity Fund (ICCF) is to provide resources to Indigenous partners to enhance their capacity to identify and prepare their conservation interests for use in future regional and sub-regional land use planning processes and potentially other discussions and agreements. In turn, that work is anticipated to support the pathway to conserving 30 percent of Yukon’s lands and waters by 2030. Yukon First Nations and transboundary Indigenous governments and groups will be invited to apply for funding through an “Expression of Interest” form that provides details of their proposed project. If successful, Government of Yukon will enter into a funding agreement with the government or group. The ICCF project is part of the Canada-Yukon Nature Agreement. It is a limited time initiative that will conclude in 2026.

Seesaw for Schools

Privacy Impact Assessment #: EDU-PIA-2024-02
Public Body Name : Education
Date of Approval: Monday, May 6, 2024

The Yukon Department of Education (DOE) is replacing their current online learning tool, FreshGrade, with Seesaw for Schools. Similar to FreshGrade, Seesaw is a digital portfolio tool that is provided by Seesaw Learning. Seesaw is a web-based software used to manage student portfolios and share student work and progress with parents and guardians.
The DOE has initiated this PIA to evaluate the privacy considerations for its intended use of Seesaw before the DOE purchases Seesaw and begins implementing Seesaw in Yukon schools. This assessment is based on the information provided by Seesaw Learning and the DOE's expected use of Seesaw.
The DOE intends to use Seesaw in Yukon elementary schools. In future, the use of Seesaw may also be expanded to secondary schools. Should the DOE begin using Seesaw in secondary schools, the application and use of Seesaw is expected to remain the same as with elementary schools, however, any substantive changes should be documented in PIA Addendum or similar document.

Yukon's Student Information System (Aspen) - PIA Refresh 2023

Privacy Impact Assessment #: EDU-PIA-2024-03
Public Body Name : Education
Date of Approval: Monday, May 6, 2024

This initiative is an update to a previously completed (2017) Aspen PIA. It is being refreshed to reflect the additional sharing of student demographic data with Health and Social Services, the updated cloud-hosted solution, and to reflect updated authorities under the new ATIPP Act.
The Yukon Student Information System (ASPEN) is a web-based student information system (SIS) that is used to collect and store student data and records for all Yukon elementary and secondary school students. ASPEN is a shared SIS for use by schools in British Columbia and Yukon. The SIS is a hosted, web-based service built upon the Follett ASPEN SIS software service and is provided by Fujitsu Consulting (Canada) (Fujitsu). ASPEN is known as "MyEducation" in B.C. As B.C. holds the contracts with Fujitsu, some documents may refer to MyEducation, rather than ASPEN.
ASPEN provides a universal data management system that is designed to:
* create an integrated network to manage school and student information across Yukon;
* streamline the administrative processes used by schools to record student attendance and achievement; and
* maintain a Yukon-wide student registry and electronic permanent record.
The core functions of ASPEN include the management of student demographics, enrolment and attendance, programs and courses, student achievement, individual education and learning plans, and reports. ASPEN also includes a module that tracks individual student credits required for graduation. A single record is maintained for each student, which is available only to authorized users associated with the school providing educational services to each student.

Sport & Recreation Use of Checkbox

Privacy Impact Assessment #: CS-PIA-2024-02
Public Body Name : Community Services
Date of Approval: Tuesday, April 30, 2024

The reporting and application forms for the Sport and Recreation Branch's (SARB) suit of grants will be updated by shifting to the use of Checkbox. The Checkbox will likewise be used for registration/sign-up forms and stakeholder/client surveys. This also includes the shift of the Foundations and Podium Pathway grants from the Drupal online format to Checkbox, as well as migrating PDF grant forms to Checkbox. This addresses challenges encountered when piloting the Drupal system for the 2022 intake. The Checkbox allows processes for application and reporting easier for the grant recipients as well as for the adjudication and review committees.