124 results

Infor FMS Masterpiece 4.0

Privacy Impact Assessment #: FIN-PIA-2020-01
Public Body Name : Finance
Date of Approval: Monday, July 27, 2020

The Corporate Financial Systems (CFS) are operated and maintained by the Department of Finance. CFS includes a wide range of systems and applications that support the ongoing financial operations of the government. These systems and applications are crucial to the operation of the government as they allow for the ordering of goods and services, payment of vendors, receipt and processing of payments to the government, as well as, facilitate the production of the Public Accounts each year. The CFS are a tool by which the Department of Finance meets its obligation under the Financial Administration Act to be stewards of public funds.

The Department of Finance is looking to upgrade and modernize the applications, programs, systems, and infrastructure for the Government of Yukon's main financial system. The project has been undertaken in order to eliminate the current risk associated with obsolete and non-supported hardware and software. At present, there are a number of components within the corporate financial systems which present a significant risk to the on-going operation of the CFS critical systems. Hence, considering the presence of clear risk to ongoing financial operations, the Department of Finance has embarked on the project that focuses mainly on upgrading of the Infor FMS Masterpiece version 3.0 to 4.0.

Water Wells Registry

Privacy Impact Assessment #: ENV-PIA-2020-01
Public Body Name : Environment
Date of Approval: Thursday, February 20, 2020

Tracking and monitoring water wells is part of the mandate for the Department of Environment. The Water Resources Branch (WRB) administers the ‘Yukon Water Well Registry’ (YWWR), which is a collection of forms that are created at the time of drilling a groundwater well. These forms contain information on construction details (i.e. depth and diameter of well, etc.) and subsurface conditions (geology, depth to water, etc.) of a well. Some of the forms also contain information used for administrative purposes or to locate the well.

The driver of the current project was the Yukon Water Strategy and Action Plan (2014) which called to “enhance the centralized groundwater database and make it available through YukonWater.ca”. The action plan notes that at present, there is no legislation in place requiring licensing or permitting of water well drilling, but that the government undertakes groundwater protection through the Waters Act and encourages drillers to follow the Canadian Ground Water Association’s Guidelines for Water Well Construction.

In order to enhance and formalize the existing groundwater program in Yukon, the Action Plan suggests developing and implementing an online process for the voluntary submission of water well drilling logs in the interim while a regulatory framework to make submissions mandatory is developed. In this project, information is data about the water well records.

Questica Budget System

Privacy Impact Assessment #: FIN-PIA-2019-01
Public Body Name : Finance
Date of Approval: Tuesday, October 29, 2019

This project delivers a corporate system to produce the Government of Yukon budget. The implementation of the budget system is intended to improve government budget processes. Currently, departments submit spreadsheets to the Management Board Secretariat for analysis and compilation. The Management Board Secretariat deals with approximately forty separate spreadsheets, some with twenty iterations for individual departments. Challenges include substantial time for manual verification of multiple data sources, long turnaround times for analysis, difficulty in running scenarios and reports, a lack of real-time feedback to departments and Management Board, and staff overtime to handle last-minute changes.

With budget data housed in a single system, we expect to eliminate administrative time-consuming tasks such as re-typing and reconciling different versions; thereby improving data accuracy and shifting available time to provide improved analysis and advice to Management Board and client departments. YG's Questica Budget System will implement operating module, salaries module, financial statements module, budget book module, capital module, and performance module. The system will help standardize processes, calculations, and reports, to improve consistency across departments and make it easier for finance staff to be trained and transition across departments. The role-based access and audit logs will help improve security and accountability for financial and personal information.

eRebates Project

Privacy Impact Assessment #: EMR-PIA-2021-01
Public Body Name : Energy, Mines and Resources
Date of Approval: Monday, October 7, 2019

The Department of Energy, Mines and Resources (EMR), Energy Branch, delivers energy efficiency programming to residential and commercial clients. Due to a 300% increase in program funding, developing a robust data management system will play a critical role in managing program expansion.
The purpose of the e-Rebates project is to enable the public to apply online for rebates and the ability to view energy program information.
The online form submission will improve the client's access and experience of applying for and receiving energy rebates. The initiative will reduce the lead time between client rebate submission and payment, simplify documentation requirements and reduce errors. Additionally, it will reduce administrative burden and data entry errors.
The objective of this initiative is to shorten the rebate payment timeframe from 8 weeks to 4 weeks. The Energy Branch will deploy a software as a Solution (SAAS) application system that will replace the existing developed in-house Access database to support this initiative.