Through Putting People First, Health and Social Services has committed to meaningfully engage People with Lived Experience in the design, implementation, quality improvement and evaluation of health and social services programs. To support Yukoner’s participation in health system changes and improvement initiatives, the Experience and Engagement Team serves as the primary contact for People with Lived Experience and project staff seeking to engage. Our initiative includes building collaborative relationships with a diverse group of stakeholders to recruit, orient, support and mentor People with Lived Experience and Health and Social Services staff through engagement initiatives. Additionally, the Experience and Engagement Team aims to build a network of People with Lived Experience. This network would be comprised of People with Lived Experience who are interested in participating in more than one engagement initiative and who are interested in receiving regular updates and requests from the experience and engagement team.
Engaging People with Lived Experience in HSS
Signing Authority App (SAA)
The Yukon Government (YG) is implementing a new signing authority process to help modernize the processes. Since implementation in 2011, the current YG signing authorities service has been a manual process, making it inefficient.
Media Development – Performing Musicians Fund
The Yukon Government (“YG”) has developed the Performing Musicians Fund (“PMF”) managed by the Media Development (“MD”) team, for:
• activities that help musicians refine their skills, including preproduction activities and workshops;
• professional sound recording activities intended for commercial release, applying to showcases and auditions; and
• marketing activities for newly-released music.
Flood Relief Program
The Yukon Housing Corporation's (YHC) Floor Relief Program (FRP) is a funding program to assist property owners and renters whose properties and/or possessions were damaged by flooding. This program is assessed for activation approval on a year-by-year basis by YHC when flooding occurs. The FRP has three funding streams available: two grants and loan. Additional areas potentially could be added to the original flood locations already identified.
Drones Permitting Application
There has been an increase in the filming and photography professions to promote the Yukon’s wildlife and nature. Many professionals in these industries use drones in addition to other film and still-photo capturing devices, however, the Wildlife Act and its Regulations prohibits anyone from using drones to hunt wildlife. As a result, a new program is required to ensure that the filming and photography professionals are able to use drones in their industry and for the department to continue to administer the legislative requirements of the Wildlife Act and Regulations. This new initiative will introduce a new permitting application for the use of drones while capturing video footage and images of hunting wildlife. This new initiative is available for wildlife photography businesses to film or photograph the hunting of Yukon wildlife. The permit is free of charge.
Angler Fishing Survey Using Trail Cameras
Fish and Wildlife Branch (FWB) conducts angler surveys on multiple lakes and rivers throughout the Yukon during the open water season. Interviews are conducted by surveyors stationed at specified locations (i.e. boat launch) on randomly selected days throughout the summer and occasionally winter months. Summer angler surveys generally run from mid-May till beginning of September and winter surveys run from December till April. To supplement our current and future data, FWB is proposing using trail cameras in addition to in-person interviews. Angler surveys are designed to cover approximately 20-40% of total fishing days throughout a survey period. During analysis, the data is extrapolated to provide an estimate of total angler hours and fish caught/harvested. The data collected from the cameras will supplement our in-person data and better verify our current method of survey design/analysis. The initiative will take place on lakes/rivers that are suitable for capturing total anglers/boats launching during the survey hours (i.e. bottleneck access points and optimal field of view). The cameras will be programmed to take pictures of the access point to capture images of anglers launching boats or potentially fishing from shore.
WorkHub Software Use
The Transportation Maintenance Branch (TMB) Safety and Operations Unit has developed and is using an Operational Management System (WorkHub) software for managing program information. This information includes employee training, competency and incident management data.
Sustainable Tourism Framework Dashboard
The Yukon Sustainable Tourism Framework has been created by the Department of Tourism and Culture to measure sustainable tourism development in the Yukon. The aim of sustainable tourism development is to make sure there's a balance between economic, social, and environmental values. The Framework includes a requirement to produce an annual report on a variety of key tourism elements. As a significant amount of information is going to be collected for the report, and much of the information will be updated more often than annually, the Yukon Sustainable Tourism Dashboard website has been created in order to support openness, transparency, and accountability to the public.
The Yukon Sustainable Tourism Dashboard website will be the central hub for Yukon tourism data and insights, including visualizations and reports. Data and insights are expected to be accessed primarily by governments, organizations, and business, for the purpose of informing business decisions. Members of the public, the media, research institutions, the United Nations' International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories - of which the Yukon is a member- and others may also access the site.
Vital Statistics Regulations
This PIA covers the changes to the information sharing regime to allow for YG to disclose Vital Statistics information to the CRA, Elections Canada, Statistics Canada, YG Departments, and other entities (as listed). This PIA will also discuss the change in collection of information via the Registration of Live Birth Form as updated in the amended Vital Statistics Regulations. This PIA will focus on the administrative changes, as the technical processes for these disclosures is discussed within the existing Vital Statistics System PIA (2017).
HPW-TTC, Participation Plan Monitoring Agreement
The Highways and Public Works and Teslin Tlingit Council (HPW-TTC) - Participation Plan Monitoring Agreement PIA will focus on the collection, use, and disclosure of the Yukon First Nation participation levels for the bridge replacement project at the Nisutlin Bay Bridge. The information is to be collected by the Graham Construction Ltd (the contractor) and will be submitted to HPW to ensure compliance with the TTC participation plan.