The initiative plans to use a 3rd party mobile app to deliver information regarding wildfires and their impacts to ecology along the North Klondike Highway. The app to be publicly known as "Driving the Firebelt" is provided by MyTours through They provide a template and the Wildlife Viewing Program will provide all the required content to the template. When the app is built, it will be hosted in the App Store or Google Play and can be downloaded by users who are interested in listening to information about wildfires in the Yukon as they are driving. This PIA covers the interaction between users and the app provided by STQRY. The scope of this PIA will also explore how personal information (PI) will be collected, used and/or disclosed by the Department of Environment. The department does not plan to collect any PI from users using the Firebelt Tour app. There will be no login/sign-in option for the app. Users will be able to use the app immediately after downloading it.
Driving the Firebelt (Audio Tour App)
Public engagement is an important aspect of government projects and as such the Yukon government (YG) sought out a standard tool known as "PlaceSpeak", as a new community engagement solution. PlaceSpeak is a Canadian online, location-based citizen engagement platform used for the public engagement process that enables members of the public to share ideas, comments, and concerns on topics impacting them and their community. Citizens can be restricted however to only those within specific geographical boundaries on any single topic, allowing for engagement with directly affected citizens only. feedback data is authenticated to place and geospatially segmented and cane be used to support evidence based decision-making and public policy development.
Yukon Dental Program Pacific Blue Cross
The Government of Yukon (YG) has committed to provide dental and other extended health benefits to uninsured Yukoners as per the 2021 Confidence and Supply Agreement (CASA) and the Putting People First report. The new dental program is a policy-based program for uninsured, low-income individuals. The public dental plan focuses on the relief of pain and infection, prevention of disease, and restoration of chewing and/or social function. YG will begin to close the gaps experienced by low-income Yukoners who do not have access to extended benefits by implementing these comprehensive extended health benefits. The new publicly funded dental program will use a payer-of-last resort model and be income-tested.
YG has chosen Pacific Blue Cross (PBC) as the vendor to help implement this new Dental Program. Pacific Blue Cross is BC’s only Health Benefits Society and British Columbia’s number one health benefits provider. Based in Burnaby, BC, and in partnership with CUPE 1816, the union representing roughly three-quarters of its 750-person local workforce, the not-for-profit organization provides health, dental, life, disability and travel coverage for 1 in 3 British Columbians through group benefits and individual plans. As part of its mission to improve health and wellbeing for British Columbians, Pacific Blue Cross proactively supports charitable organizations across the province working to improve health outcomes. Pacific Blue Cross now looks forward to working with Yukoners to improve health and wellbeing.
Yukon Dental Program
Many Yukoners have some type of access to extended health benefits through their employer, with benefits that cover services such as prescription drugs, dental care, vision care, physiotherapy, optometry, and necessary medical equipment. However, not everyone has access to these benefits, which can make it difficult to afford these services. Without these basic health services Yukoners can have poor health outcomes, including pain, poor nutrition, increased risk for certain chronic diseases, as well as poorer quality of life. Unemployment, temporary employment and low wage employment situations are often associated with lack of benefits. People who do not have these benefits through their employer are also the least likely to be able to afford paying out-of-pocket for these services.
The Government of Yukon (YG) has committed to provide dental and other extended health benefits to uninsured Yukoners as per the 2021 Confidence and Supply Agreement (CASA) and the Putting People First report. The new dental program is a policy-based program for the uninsured, low-income individuals. The public dental plan focuses on the relief of pain and infection, prevention of disease, and restoration of chewing and/or social function.
YG will begin to close the gaps experienced by low-income Yukoners who do not have access to extended benefits by implementing these comprehensive extended health benefits. The new publicly funded dental program will use a payer-of-last resort model and be income-tested. This plan will not apply to Yukoners who already have insurance.
Yukon Heritage Information System
The Historic Sites unit (Historic Sites) with the Department of Tourism and Culture (T&C) provides for the research, preservation, management, development and interpretation of Yukon's historic places. Historic Sites takes part in implementing the Historic Resources Act and the Government of Yukon heritage obligations under the Umbrella Final Agreement and the individual First Nation final agreements. This work is assisted by multiple research and site record databases, including the Yukon Historic Site Inventory (YHSI) application and additional research and interpretive site management databases.
A Yukon Heritage Information System (YHSI or the Database) review project, completed in 2020, determined that the current databases needed to be upgraded. The current project aims to create a reliable and secure online application to store historical and current information about the historic sites in Yukon. The goal is to provide a central repository of all historic sites databases with options for controlled access to protect sensitive information as well as for subsets of information to be made publicly available, while ensuring the security of all data.
The System will also be linked to the Yukon Register of Historic Places (Register), which is a publicly accessible database, found at The information contained on the Registry is required to be shared under section 24 and 55 of the Historic Resources Act.
Microsoft 365 Cloud Services - HSS
The Government of Yukon ("YG") has purchased Microsoft E3 licensing and has implemented the Microsoft 365 suite of cloud services (M365) across the government departments, including Health and Social Services ("HSS"). HPW will manage M365 on behalf of HSS and other YG departments. M365 offers state-of-the-art information technology services which will enable YG to achieve better outcomes, while lowering the overall cost and complexity of YG's IT services. In addition, MS holds the highest levels of industry-level certifications with regards to information security: ISO 27001 and 270018, FedRAMP, SOC 1 and 2 and Cloud Security Alliance's STAR Certification.
Microsoft provides all the infrastructure, including all the applications, operating system, cloud management, and network software, including the server and storage hardware elements required to support these software components. Microsoft has no standing access to the service components that YG is responsible for, namely, applications configurations, and all applications data in their cloud SaaS solution. MS only interacts with customer data under exceptional circumstances for the purpose of providing support services when a problem cannot be self-remedied by the customer's own IT or inhouse support teams.
This PIA will focus on HSS' use of the M365 products, as managed on their behalf by the HPW. It is a companion PIA that will focus exclusively on the privacy considerations related to HSS' use of these HPW managed applications. HPW has conducted a full PIA, which should be read in conjunction with this companion PIA for a fulsome understanding of the product(s).
Yukon Archives Artist in Residence Program
The Yukon Archives Artist in Residence Program is a 9-week residence program established as part of the celebration which commemorates the Yukon Archives' 50th anniversary. Applicants will submit application form and supporting material for evaluation. Through this unique residency, artist(s) will be able to experience the various materials, facilities and services Yukon Archives (YA) has to offer. Yukon Archives is dedicated to connecting with the broader community through this program and are excited to encourage the use of their resources during all stages of artistic development.
AirWatch Workspace One Unified Endpoint Management
The deployment of the VMware AirWatch Workspace One Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) tool is intended to replace the existing UEM program that is currently installed in all ECO owned and associated devices. This system allows for remote management, security, and access to these devices to allow them to operate in the YG corporate IT environment.
This PIA will cover the UEM dashboard, which is accessed primarily by the IT Support Technician and the Manager, IMT, through an online portal provided by the platform. It also includes the AirWatch application, typically used by the end-users, as well as the information acquired by both the application and the Dashboard. This app will be installed in all ECO-owned devices and ECO Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program devices. Much of the data collected by this application and supporting dashboard would not, by themselves, constitute personal information. However, the same amalgam of data, either on its own or paired with easily accessible public information, do constitute a collection of personal information and will therefore need to be managed appropriately.
Shiftboard Scheduling System
The Yukon Government Department of Health and Social Services and Department of Justice have determined a shared need for improved efficiency within their shift scheduling and shift call-out processes. Shiftboard is a shift management system which allows Staff Users to manage their shifts via a web or mobile interface. Each program area within a department will be siloed, and only available to users employed within that program area. This system will be used for the managing of YG staff shift and schedule management only, and will not include client records or information, or sensitive HR information of the YG staff.
YG Online Marketplace - Vroozi
The Yukon Government is implementing a one stop shop procurement solution and has chosen Vroozi as the e-procurement vendor. Vroozi offers an entire suite of procurement solutions, facilitates seamless digital supplier collaboration, and improves the efficiency and effectiveness of procurement and financial operations. The accounts payable platform automates the procure-to-pay process and includes business purchasing, supplier invoices, payments and spend management.
The Vroozi launch will include Vroozi Purchase (which includes Catalog, Marketplace, Integration, Invoice + Intelligence), Supplier Portal and Vroozi Analytics modules.