132 results

in1Touch Licensing Online System

Privacy Impact Assessment #: CS-PIA-2022-02
Public Body Name : Community Services
Date of Approval: Friday, September 23, 2022

The Professional Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (PLRA) branch in Community Services Regulatory Affairs and Consumer Services program is implementing an online licensing system to manage the registration, licensing and regulation of Licensed Professional Nurses (LPN), Registered Psychiatric Nurses (RPN) and Physiotherapists. This new system, in1Touch, replaces current paper-based processes, and will allow for licensees to manage their applications and license renewals online.

The information collected, used and disclosed by PLRA is made in accordance with the Licensed Practical Nurses Act and Health Professions Act (Registered Psychiatric Nurses and Physiotherapists) and related regulations.

MyYukon Service

Privacy Impact Assessment #: HPW-PIA-2022-08
Public Body Name : Highways and Public Works
Date of Approval: Friday, September 23, 2022

MyYukon is a personal identity program of the Government of Yukon’s (YG’s) Highways and Public Works department that will provide members of the public and businesses with a single sign-on to Government of Yukon services, as well as an end-user portal for managing access and utilization of online services.

MyYukon authenticates and assures the identity of the end-users for any integrated YG service, from any department or branch. MyYukon will collect, use, and disclose a limited set of personally identifying information for the purpose of establishing user identity. Individuals themselves control and authorize which online services they wish to access and to which their MyYukon information will be linked and

Basic accounts will access services that do not require verified identity. Verified accounts establish a verified ID by confirming identity information matches a source of truth. For individuals, this will be the Motor Vehicles database. Verification can then also include credential validation, in which a YG agent confirms the digital identity matches an individual who appears before them.

People, Metrics, Analytics and Projects (PMAP)

Privacy Impact Assessment #: PSC-PIA-2022-01
Public Body Name : Public Service Commission
Date of Approval: Thursday, September 8, 2022

The People, Metrics, Analytics and Projects (PMAP) Branch within the Public Service Commission (PSC) is responsible for providing information to senior leaders and decision makers to enable evidence and data based decisions. The branch is using existing PSC data and transforms it into illustrative and dynamic models. These models will assist HR and senior management with evidence-based HR decision making.
The current identified source databases are within the control and custody of PSC and include:
1. Human Resources Management System (HRMS)
2. YG Learn
3. E-recruitment
The benefit of evidence-based data is that strategic planning and resources can be targeted to address specific workplace and business issues. For example, the analysis of diversity metrics will enable the HR and Diversity Branch to plan and prioritise initiatives for attracting and retaining diverse candidates to the workplace.
Without metrics, resources may be randomly applied to initiatives that may not address gaps. Evidence-based data therefore facilitates efficient use of resources towards impactful business and workplace solutions.


Privacy Impact Assessment #: HPW-PIA-2022-05
Public Body Name : Highways and Public Works
Date of Approval: Friday, August 26, 2022

The TMB Safety and Operations Unit had developed and is using online forms (FormStack) for collecting and managing program information. These online forms are the New Hire Form, Driver Evaluation Form, and the Notification of Event Form.

FormStack is the data management solution that has been selected during a previous pilot wherein users of the forms include employees and management. The use of FormStack software for online forms will facilitate collection of Operational Management System data at TMB Safety and Operations to ensure Occupational Health and Safety Regulations are being met.

HSS Infolinx

Privacy Impact Assessment #: HSS-PIA-2022-07
Public Body Name : Health and Social Services
Date of Approval: Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Infolinx is a records and information management software that enables the Yukon Government (“YG”) to track, manage, and audit the complete lifecycle of physical records. The software was initially implemented within YG in 2018 to replace an older file-level physical records management system. The Department of Health and Social Services (“HSS”) initiated use of the Infolinx software in February, 2022. Pervious privacy work has been conducted on the Infolinx system, including an HPW Privacy Impact Assessment (“PIA”) which was completed in March 2021.

This HSS PIA will serve as a companion to the original HPW Infolinx PIA (2021) and highlight any differences or changes in the use of the Infolinx software within HSS, specifically to reference HIPMA as the legislative authority for the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Health Information (“PHI”), and update the legal authority table for collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information (PI) so it aligns with recent changes to the ATIPP Act.

Video Surveillance System

Privacy Impact Assessment #: YHC-PIA-2022-01
Public Body Name : Yukon Housing Corporation
Date of Approval: Friday, August 5, 2022

Yukon Housing Corporation (YHC) was established in 1972 under the Housing Corporation Act. The Corporation provides social housing to low income tenants and staff housing in the communities; lends money to Yukoners to become home-owners, repair their homes, or improve the energy efficiency of their homes; and assists seniors and people with disabilities to meet accessibility needs.
Many of the YHC building provide housing to seniors and vulnerable persons who have expressed concerns for their safety based on previous incidents. This project will deploy video surveillance cameras at 15 multi-unit housing buildings in Whitehorse. It will fulfill the desire to provide safe and secure housing facilities and answer tenants’ demands for 24/7 surveillance.

Yukon Panorama

Privacy Impact Assessment #: HSS-PIA-2022-06
Public Body Name : Health and Social Services
Date of Approval: Friday, July 29, 2022

This Privacy Impact Assessment (“PIA”) was conducted on behalf of the Yukon Department of Health and Social Services (“HSS”) on the current standing of the Panorama system. Panorama is a web-based public health information management tool that provides authorized public health users with the ability to collect, share and analyze a wide range of public health information that is critical for addressing public health problems. Panorama supports public health programs such as immunization, and communicable disease, outbreak management, inventory and family health. Panorama is a point-of-service system accessed by the service providers who deliver these services, conduct health surveillance activities, such as the monitoring of infectious diseases, and perform program evaluation within British Columbia (BC) and Yukon.

Panorama is organized as seven major functional components:
• Communicable disease investigation management,
• Outbreak management,
• Immunization management,
• Materials / Vaccine Inventory management,
• Notifications management,
• Work management, and
• Family Health management.

Early Learning Child Care Website

Privacy Impact Assessment #: EDU-PIA-2022-01
Public Body Name : Education
Date of Approval: Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Early childhood educators need coordinate training and networking opportunities for professional development. This supports high quality early learning and child care and improved outcomes for Yukon children.
Currently, the Government of Yukon has no website presence for early learning and child care educators. This publicly available website is a requirement of the Canada-Yukon Early Learning and Child Care Agreement Annex 3 & 4 2021-22 and it aligns with the government's mandate to implement the Yukon's universal early child care program.
The benefits of a website for early childhood educators include:
* The Government can show it is prioritizing its commitments to improve early learning and child care in the Yukon.
* Early childhood educators, any of whom work in isolation or with limited capacity to collaborate, will have supports, networks and communities of practice to support them in providing high quality early learning.
*Early childhood educators will feel valued in their field. This will support staff retention which underpins consistent early learning and child care services to Yukon children and families.
We anticipate approximately 350 early childhood educators and 75 licensed programs will access the website annually.

Homeless Individuals and Families Information System "HIFIS"

Privacy Impact Assessment #: HSS-PIA-2022-02
Public Body Name : Health and Social Services
Date of Approval: Tuesday, June 7, 2022

The Homeless Individuals and Families Information System (“HIFIS”) is a case management system designed to better understand the needs, resources, and required supports for the community. HIFIS is provided and developed by the Canadian Federal Government, Employment and Social Development Canada (“ESDC”), for use by governments and non-profits within Canada to aid in their support of the homeless and precariously housed populations.
The Yukon has determined that use of the HIFIS system by the Whitehorse Emergency Shelter (“WES”), would be beneficial to both case workers and individuals. As such, The Government of Yukon has entered into an agreement with ESDC and has been granted a license for use of the HIFIS system. The Agreement can be found at Appendix 6. At this time, HIFIS will be used exclusively by the WES, as managed and run by the Government of Yukon, Department of Health and Social Services (“HSS”).
HSS will host its own instance of the HIFIS system on the YG Servers, located in Whitehorse. Currently, WES uses the HIFIS system exclusively for registration and bed allocation. It is the intention of the WES to gradually increase their use of the other client and information management functionalities of HIFIS for case management and to enhance to provision of care provided to clients.

Sexualized Assault Response Team (SART)

Privacy Impact Assessment #: HSS-PIA-2022-04
Public Body Name : Health and Social Services
Date of Approval: Tuesday, May 31, 2022

In 2020, the Yukon Government, in collaboration with several community agencies who provide services to victims of sexualized assault, launched the Sexualized Assault Response Team (“SART”). The Department of Health and Social Services (“HSS”) is one of seven SART agencies committed to providing a coordinated and collaborative response for all individuals victimized by sexualized violence and to
support them moving forward along whichever path of services they choose.

While the community agencies are involved in the governance and management of SART through a number of committees including the SART Implementation Committee, the SART Oversight Committee, and the SART Protocol and Training Management Committee, these committees are not involved in the day-to-day operations, data collection, or working with the individual unless that individual has consented to be referred to that agency or they choose to access those agencies on their own. The key agencies that make up SART are: Department of Health and Social Services (“HSS”); Department of Justice; the Women and Gender Equity Directorate; the Women’s Transition Home; RCMP – M Division; Yukon Hospital Corporation; and the Public Prosecution Service of Canada.

Within HSS, the launch of the Yukon SART in 2020 saw the formation of a specific SART program unit within the broader Community Health Programs branch. This included the establishment of an individual’s forensic record associated with a sexualized assault being kept independent from their personal medical/health record for the protection of the individual’s privacy. The SART Clinical Coordinator role within HSS Community Health Programs includes retaining the individual's forensic record separate from their health record at Whitehorse General Hospital, providing system navigation services to individuals, facilitating collection and disclosure of the individual's forensic record across participating organizations based on the individual's consent (e.g., to the RCMP), and responsible for the overall clinical operations of the SART.