134 results

Yukon Parks Online Reservation System Project

Privacy Impact Assessment #: ENV-PIA-2024-02
Public Body Name : Environment
Date of Approval: Tuesday, March 5, 2024

In accordance with departmental mandate, the Yukon Parks branch has completed a new parks strategy to support the future planning and development of Yukon parks and campgrounds. The strategy includes the introduction of online reservation options to improve fair access to some campsites in some road accessible campgrounds. The online reservation covers the seven identified Yukon Campgrounds:
4 Front-country Campgrounds:
* Pine Lake Campground
* Tombstone Mountain Campground
* Marsh Lake
* Wolf Lake

3 Backcountry Campgrounds
* Grizzly Lake Campground
* Talus Lake Campground
* Divide Lake Campground

Public Health Information Exchange (“PHIX”) Application

Privacy Impact Assessment #: HSS-PIA-2024-01
Public Body Name : Health and Social Services
Date of Approval: Wednesday, February 21, 2024

This Citizen Submission Portal PIA Addendum is being conducted to document the inclusion of the Public Health Information Exchange (“PHIX”) into the suite of existing Panorama applications and integrations.
PHIX is a tool that was developed to transfer information from web portals and/or other applications into Panorama. The tool is now being expanded to support the submission of vaccine information for all types of vaccines. The submission process involves using an online form portal called the Public Health Information Exchange ("PHIX"), which interfaces with Panorama. Information submitted via the PHIX portal will be automatically matched against
existing records in Panorama using a matching algorithm. Where the submission is able to be matched to an existing record, the record will be reviewed by trained reviewers to confirm accuracy and submit the information to Panorama.

Jira Service Management

Privacy Impact Assessment #: HPW-PIA-2024-01
Public Body Name : Highways and Public Works
Date of Approval: Wednesday, January 24, 2024

The Yukon Government (YG) is revamping its public service and forms management, as well as reporting capabilities with Highway and Public Works (HPW) eServices leading a strategic effort to modernize, standardize, and digitize services by increasing their capabilities in terms of the complexity of and the range of services offered to departments. Highway Three Solutions (contractor) was provided with an extensive requirements list that incorporated the details of the forms management solution being sought to embed with eServices service delivery lifecycle and determined that leveraging Atlassian’s Jira Service Management (JSM) cloud solution met the requirements that IT, operations, and business teams can use to quickly respond to, resolve, and report on service requests and incidents. JSM is integrated with Jira and other Atlassian software already in use by YG and configured to YG's teams and services to enable easier collaboration, faster issue resolution, and instant access to real-time analytics to measure performance and workload. The solution’s self-service portal will be configured for both internal and external users, with the intent that it will be utilized primarily for internal YG departments/programs using the forms for approvals, processing requests, and similar workflow.

Canto Cumulus System Service Expansion

Privacy Impact Assessment #: ECO-PIA-2024-01
Public Body Name : Executive Council Office
Date of Approval: Tuesday, January 23, 2024

This Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) covers the system usage expansion inclusive to all Yukon departments since the original PIA focuses only on Tourism and Culture, Economic Development, Environment, and Cabinet. The service expansion now covers the remaining departments in the Yukon Government namely: Community Services (CS), Education (EDU), Energy, Mines and Resources (EMR), Executive Council Office (ECO), Finance (FIN), Health and Social Services (HSS), Highways and Public Works (HPW), Justice (JUS), French Language Services Directorate (FLSD), Public Service Commission (PSC), Women and Gender Equity Directorate (WGED), Worker's Safety and Compensation Board (WSCB), Yukon Development Corporation (YDC), Yukon Energy Corporation (YEC), Yukon Housing Corporation (YHC), Yukon Liquor Corporation (YLC), Yukon Lottery Commission (YLC), and Lotteries Yukon.
The expansion also allow the administrative tier to reside with the T&C and ECO while all other departments being the system users. The Canto Cumulus will manage the inventory of digital media as all system users will be moving their digital assets from the on-premises software to the Canto Cumulus system.

Temporary Landlord Assistance Program

Privacy Impact Assessment #: ECD-PIA-2024-02
Public Body Name : Economic Development
Date of Approval: Wednesday, January 17, 2024

The Temporary Landlord Assistance Program (TLAP) provides a one-time rebate to landlords for units that were available for rent during the 2023 calendar year. Landlords can apply for a payment of $338 per unit.
The program helps residential landlords affected by the change in rent cap regulations for the 2023 calendar year. Rent increases are now capped at a maximum of 5 per cent.

Announced Oct 19, 2023. Effect Nov 2, 220 - Feb 29, 2024

Wildlife Mortalities Service

Privacy Impact Assessment #: ENV-PIA-2024-01
Public Body Name : Environment
Date of Approval: Wednesday, January 17, 2024

The Department of Environment tracks wildlife mortality information from the different types of harvesting methods (i.e. hunting, trapping, outfitting) and human/wildlife conflict. The animals that must be reported for the activities are: big game animals, wolf, lynx, fox, wolverine, and any animal that is protected under the Wildlife Act. Currently, the Department of Environment is tracking wildlife mortality data through a paper-based process and is taking steps to become more digital in its processes for the ease of access to clients. The new Wildlife Mortalities Service system will replace the Harvest Database and this system will issue the Wildlife Export permits and communicate with the departmental licensing and permitting system (POSSE), SQL Server and AIMES system. The Wildlife Mortalities Service will also access data stored in the department's human-wildfire conflict reporting app. The communication between the systems will mitigate the need for clients to supply the department with the same information twice. This PIA will only focus on the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information involving the Wildlife Mortalities Service.

Small Business Flood Recovery Funding Program

Privacy Impact Assessment #: ECD-PIA-2024-01
Public Body Name : Economic Development
Date of Approval: Friday, January 5, 2024

The Small Business Flood Recovery Funding Program is a one-time program providing financial assistance to small business owners who were impacted by and incurred significant uninsured damages and loss as a result of the May 2023 flooding in the Klondike Valley area.

Effective Jun 30, 2023 - Oct 3, 2023

All supporting documentation must be submitted by Oct 1, 2024

Yukon Government Spatial Data Information Platform

Privacy Impact Assessment #: HPW-PIA-2023-10
Public Body Name : Highways and Public Works
Date of Approval: Tuesday, December 12, 2023

This PIA covers the spatial data and the two distribution platforms currently on offer by the Geomatics Yukon unit in the eServices for citizens branch of the Yukon Government. GeoYukon is an interactive mapping application containing the Government of Yukon's authoritative and current mapa data, provided as a free public service.

Culture Programs

Privacy Impact Assessment #: TC-PIA-2023-03
Public Body Name : Tourism and Culture
Date of Approval: Tuesday, December 5, 2023

The Department of Tourism and Culture introduced 3 new public creative and cultural funding programs being distributed by the Arts Unit and this PIA covers the collection, use, disclosure, and storage of information involving in the following funding programs:

  • The Express Micro-grant - an arts funding program to provide support to Yukon first-time applicants in the creative and cultural industries.

  • The Indigenous Artists and Cultural Carriers Micro-grant - an arts funding program established with the Canada Council for the Arts. The program provides funding to Indigenous artists, arts workers and cultural carriers.

  • The Creative and Cultural Career Advancement Fund - an arts funding program to provide a fixed amount of $50,000 to Yukon residents in the creative and cultural industries.

ColonCheck Application and Oracle Database

Privacy Impact Assessment #: HSS-PIA-2023-11
Public Body Name : Health and Social Services
Date of Approval: Monday, November 27, 2023

The Yukon Government Department of Health and Social Services (HSS) has developed the ColonCheck program that sits within the Community of Health Program Branch of the HSS. This program was introduced across the Territory to promote early detection of colon cancer. In addition, this initiative involves the implementation of a new Oracle database, which is accessed and updated via an internal web application called the "the ColonCheck Application" (ColonCheck App). The Oracle database is not accessible outside of the ColonCheck App, with limited exception. Authorized staff within the Information and Communications Technology branch of the Department of Highways and Public Works may access the database from the "back-end" for maintenance or database administrator purposes while the authorized staff of the HSS will access it for the management of client personal health information. Also, the ColonCheck App will be held on Yukon Government's existing Oracle infrastructure and will replace ColonCheck current use of Microsoft Access and Microsoft Excel databases for storing client information received through ColonCheck.