Demandes d’accès à l’information traitées

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539 résultats


This ATIPP request is a follow-up to Access to Information Request 23-234 As there are no open investigations, would like to request the number of closed investigations. Would also like to request any documents which contain information on the number of hours the department has budgeted for follow-up work, and how much of those hours have already being spent. Thank you. Timeframe: January 1, 2016 - September 15, 2023

Response type: 
No records found
Date of Request: 
September 21, 2023
October 27, 2023


Seeking information regarding Yukon's Chronic Disease and Disability Benefits Program, as governed by the Chronic Disease and Disability Regulation, pursuant to section 8 of the Health Care Insurance Act. Specifically, seeking information about: how decisions are made and by whom. The Regulations speak to the potential for a Chronic Disease and Disability .Benefits Advisory Committee (11) and states " This Committee will periodically review the administration of the Plan, particularly the amount and types of drugs paid for under the Plan, and recommend to the director changes in the administration of the Plan" and yet no such Committee exists, or if it does exist, it is not listed in any of the directories related to Yukon Government Board and Committees. So, in the absence of this committee, who is making the decisions related to amounts and types of drugs covered by the plan? No information about this is available anywhere and was also not provided to me when I called the Chronic Disease and Disability Benefits Program office. Transparency about how these decisions are made and by whom is very important, as this is a public program and have encountered challenges in accessing it to support child's medication in relation to disability. Please advise. Timeframe: September 13, 1994 - September 12, 2023
The department has clarified with the applicant that they are looking for specifically who is making the decisions related to amounts and types of drugs covered by Yukon’s Chronic Disease and Disability Benefits Program.

Response type: 
Granted in full
Date of Request: 
September 20, 2023
April 22, 2024


Now working on a project to build a website with interactive maps and figures showing Evictions data within Canada. Therefore, would like to have an access to the following information related to evictions filing since Jan, 1st 2017 to current date as per the freedom of information act; 1. Evictions filing date; the date that an eviction request is filed/received by the office 2. Disposition date; the date the case was closed regardless of the outcome whether dismissed, discontinued, mediated, or issued an order 3. The rented property address; if full address cannot be provided, the postal code will suffice 4. Reasons for filing (non-payment of rent or other reasons). Timeframe: January 1, 2017 - September 13, 2023

Response type: 
Granted in full
Date of Request: 
September 19, 2023
February 13, 2024


School report from the Our School survey for any student, teacher, or parent surveys done in the 22-23 school year for FH Collins Secondary School, Whitehorse. Timeframe: August 1, 2022 - June 2, 2023

Response type: 
Granted in full
Date of Request: 
September 8, 2023
October 11, 2023


Would like a copy of hospital records relating to the number of inpatient beds available at each (Whitehorse, Dawson, Watson Lake) hospital, daily, for each day between the provided dates. Total number of beds available by day, or number of days displaying green, yellow, orange or red on the hospital corps website will do. Timeframe: April 1, 2023 - August 31, 2023

Response type: 
Granted in full
Date of Request: 
September 6, 2023
October 31, 2023


This request is for disclosure of all internal documents and records, correspondence, records of decisions and documents, including handwritten or other notes, reports or memos under the control of the Department of Finance relating to the Agreement that were created, received or transmitted between December 15, 2021, and December 14, 2022, and that relate specifically to one or more of the following: • communication and decisions regarding consultation with Yukon First Nations related to the Agreement;
• communication and decisions regarding the Umbrella Final Agreement and Yukon First Nations Self-Government Agreements related to the Agreement;
• communication and decisions regarding funding of Indigenous engagement and participation under s. 5.1.18 of the Agreement;
• calculations and decisions regarding how the total funding amount, $20,622,580 (the “Total Funding Amount”), was decided upon;
• information regarding how the Total Funding Amount is intended to be used, specifically information related to:
o monitoring programs;
o research and development;
o environment and climate-based research initiatives;
o data gathering;
o data mapping;
o geo-spatial analysis;
o purchase of satellite imagery;
• information regarding the number of staff and/or contractor resources planned to be allocated and/or considered to be necessary for the implementation of the Agreement and any related activities;
• information regarding any fiscal negotiations relating to the monitoring and enforcement of parks and protected areas; and
• information regarding the legal costs related to development of the Agreement.
For clarity, s. 5.1.18 of the Agreement reads:
• Subject to its appropriations, priorities, and budgetary constraints, ECCC agrees to provide approximately $9,013,650 for commitments to achieve 30% by 2030.
o $4,305,000 of the total in 5.1.18 will support Indigenous engagement and participation in initiatives to achieve 30% by 2030, see Annex 3, A3-1. Timeframe: December 15, 2021 - December 14, 2022
Seeking records specific to the “Canada – Yukon Nature Agreement”

Response type: 
Granted in part
Date of Request: 
September 5, 2023
April 22, 2024


Documents containing policies in place regarding Yukon government employees being required to disclose whether they own a bitcoin wallet or effectively control another person's bitcoin wallet, whether this disclosure is required to be made under oath, and penalties for not disclosing (if disclosure is required). Thank you. Timeframe: August 1, 2015 - August 28, 2023

Response type: 
No records found
Date of Request: 
September 5, 2023
October 11, 2023


This request is directed in particular to the Land Management Branch, and is in regards to the the stipulation in the Yukon land lottery package that "applicants must purchase the lot for the construction of a dwelling for the sole purpose of providing accommodation for yourself or yourselves." Would like to ask for any documents detailing the follow-up procedure(s) the department is currently following to enforce this rule, the number of open investigations, the number of manhours that have so far being expended on follow-up work, and the penalties that are in place when it is determined that this rule has been infringed. Timeframe: September 1, 2018 - August 22, 2023

Response type: 
No records found
Date of Request: 
August 29, 2023
October 11, 2023


Would like to have a copy of the policy regarding Leave without pay (LWOP) requests. Within this policy, or if a policy does not exist, would like the following information:
1. The Deadlines for which LWOP requests need to be submitted for Yukon Education Employees.
2. The process followed to determine if LWOP is granted or not.
3. The criteria used to determine if a LWOP request is granted or not.
4. Does one person have the authority to grant LWOP requests independently and if so, what is their job title?
5. Does a group of people or committee members have the authority to grant LWOP and if so who is the committee comprised of?
6. Are there extenuating circumstances to grant a LWOP if it is submitted after the deadline?
7. If a LWOP is denied is there provision for an employee to appeal the decision for reconsideration?
Timeframe: August 1, 2021 - August 22, 2023

Response type: 
Granted in full
Date of Request: 
August 28, 2023
May 12, 2024


any and all correspondence regarding a new research study into salmon mortality and survival rates at the Yukon Energy dam in Whitehorse. This is a joint project between YEC and the Kwanlin Dun First Nation. As a result, would like any and all correspondence associated with the study from both the energy corporation, including its management team, and the First Nation. Wanting to obtain the study itself, if one is available, or preliminary research results. To narrow this request: Please exclude any and all legislation, public engagement materials and materials from the Fish and Wildlife Branch.
Timeframe: August 1, 2022 - August 14, 2023.

Response type: 
Granted in part
Date of Request: 
August 22, 2023
August 23, 2024