Demandes d’accès à l’information traitées

Recherchez ou parcourez les demandes d’accès à l’information traitées et les documents pertinents créés en date du 1er mars 2021. Vous pouvez également rechercher ou parcourir les demandes d’accès à l’information traitées de 2017 à 2020.

552 résultats


Please supply me with the informed consent forms used for covid vaccines in The Yukon All drafts, all finalized versions, noting the changes (if any) and dates of changes (if any) on the finalized forms. Timeframe: December 1, 2020 - November 30, 2021

Response type: 
Granted in full
Date of Request: 
December 10, 2021
February 06, 2024


Please supply the following information: All directives (written and verbal) to those administering the vaccines as to permit/restrict what they inform the public about the vaccines (including known adverse health effects) at their vaccine appointment. All directives (written and verbal) that permit/restrict dissemination of information to the public about the vaccines and adverse health effects by the staff attending the Covid information lines. Timeframe: December 1, 2020 - December 6, 2021

Response type: 
Granted in full
Date of Request: 
December 10, 2021
February 08, 2024


All internal department correspondence regarding access to information request 21-416.
Timeframe: November 19, 2021 - December 3, 2021

Response type: 
Granted in part
Date of Request: 
December 10, 2021
January 17, 2024


Yukon's Covid related: Cases Hospitalizations Deaths ~ as per age & gender category as used by Canada's classifications found at:

Timeframe: November 30, 2019 - December 1, 2021

Response type: 
Granted in part
Date of Request: 
December 9, 2021
January 17, 2024


Since the start of the vaccine rollout in the Yukon: The increase (or decrease): Covid cases* Covid related hospitalizations* Covid related deaths* -TOTAL ELAPSED TIME FRAME -PRIOR TO ACHIEVING 50% FULLY VACCINATED STATUS OF THE VACCINE ELIGIBLE POPULATION IN THEYUKON -POST ACHIEVING 50% FULLY VACCINATED STATUS OF VACCINE ELIGIBLE POPULATION IN THE YUKON *Yukon Territory only.

Timeframe: December 1, 2019 - November 30, 2021

Response type: 
Granted in full
Date of Request: 
December 9, 2021
January 17, 2024


As Pfizer recently released data to the FDA regarding their mRNA vaccines showing tens of thousands of serious adverse health effects after a single dose as well as second doses (including 1200+ instances that were lethal): What peer-reviewed science and/or long-term independently verified data (1, 2, 3, 5, 10 years) was used by the Yukon to determine that Pfizer's mRNA vaccine is safe at any dosage level for those under the age of 18 - for all ages and weight variations of those in the youth targeted age group? Or is it the official position of the Yukon government and/or Yukon's Health Department/Chief Medical Officer(s) to vaccinate everyone and inadvertently come across serious adverse health effects sometime in the indeterminate future? Timeframe: November 30, 2019 - December 1, 2021

Response type: 
No records found
Date of Request: 
December 9, 2021
January 19, 2023


Seeking a copy of all contracts and commitments associated with the Chief Medical Officer of Health. This includes staffing contracts, leases or rental contracts, service contracts, and any extra costs beyond what is provided to the office when there is no pandemic.
Timeframe: March 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020

Response type: 
Granted in part
Date of Request: 
December 8, 2021
January 17, 2024


I am requesting specific information about the operation of the mobile abattoir and the animals which have been processed with the use of the mobile abattoir. Information I am requesting includes the following: 1) - the exact amount of animals listed by species, age and gender that have been processed using the Yukon government owned mobile abattoir. 2) - the origin of these animals(are they imported from outside the territory). 3) - the CCIA transponder tag numbers of any cattle that would have been recorded by the meat inspector. 4)- the specific dates on which these animals were slaughtered and total number of animals slaughtered on each day. 5)- the amount of time any imported animals spent in the Yukon prior to the slaughter. The information may be available from the Yukon ag branch or the mobile abattoir operator directly. Jesse Walchuk works at Yukon ag branch. Tom Rudge manages the mobile abattoir on a contact bases for the Yukon government. Thank you. Timeframe: January 1, 2020 - November 26, 2021

Response type: 
Granted in full
Date of Request: 
December 1, 2021
January 19, 2023


All emails, notes, message boxes or other records stemming from or related to media requests sent from Jackie Hong ([email protected]) to communications analyst Dana Clark ([email protected]) on Nov. 17.
Timeframe: November 17, 2021 - November 25, 2021

Response type: 
Granted in part
Date of Request: 
December 1, 2021
January 17, 2024


All correspondence, including notes, briefing notes, emails, memoranda and meeting minutes, relating to BMC Minerals Ltd.’s Kudz Ze Kayah Project in Yukon (“KZK Project”), authored by or sent by any one of the following persons: Stephen Mills, Jasmina Randhawa, Brian Macdonald, Samantha Paterson, Keith Maguire and Sevn Bohnet (Executive Office).

All correspondence, including notes, briefing notes, emails, memoranda and meeting minutes, relating to the KZK Project, sent to any one of the Yukon Representatives from any one of the following persons:
- The Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, the Honourable Seamus O’Regan, Jean Francois Tremblay, Jeff Labonte, Rinaldo Jeanty, Emerson Vandenberg and Hilary Travis (Natural Resources Canada);
- The Honourable Melanie Joly, Paula Isaak, Margaret Buist, Lisa Dyer, Adrian Paradis, Carey Sibbald, Krista Magee and Galen Richardson (Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency);
- The Honourable Joyce Murray, the Honourable Bernadette Jordan, Timothy Sargent, David Carter, Helene Marquis and Jennifer Philips (Fisheries and Oceans Canada);
- Ayesha Chughtai (Prime Minister’s Office of Canada; and
- Laura Cabott, Dale Eftoda, Bryony McIntyre, Lawrence Joe, Dennis Nicloux, Steve Karam, and Andrew Reid (Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board). Timeframe: November 1, 2020 to present.

Copies of all records above, and we would prefer to receive digital copies if possible.
Timeframe: November 1, 2020 – November 25, 2021

Narrowed Request #1:
Narrow Access Request 21-428 as follows:
- excluding anything originating from BMC Minerals Ltd., or sent from or to BMC Minerals Ltd.; and
- narrowing “all correspondence, including notes, briefing notes, emails memoranda and meeting minutes, relating to BMC Minerals Ltd.’s Kudz Ze Kayah Project (‘KZK Project’)” to only the correspondence that relates to the KZK Project’s environmental and socioeconomic assessment.

Additional Narrowed Request #2:
Narrow the scope of request by excluding the Major Projects ‘Program or Activity’ (and its estimated responsive records of 9,894), as well as by excluding any and all duplicates of responsive documents contained within the remaining “Program or Activity’ heads.

Additional Information #3:
Information relating to the KZK Project and in particular its assessment, as opposed to information relating directly to BMC Minerals Ltd. The Executive Council Office can eliminate any information originating from BMC Minerals Ltd., or sent from or to BMC Minerals Ltd. (as previously advised when we attempted to narrow the request on January 12, 2022). I cannot say whether a 3rd party consult would be required. I understand BMC Minerals Ltd. is the owner of the KZK Project, and therefore some of the KZK Project information may be related and therefore subject to a consult.

Response type: 
Granted in part
Date of Request: 
December 1, 2021
January 11, 2024