All GPS collar data for Yukon North Slope Grizzly Bears, in full, including all data fields (e.g., coordinates, time, PDOP, temperature, motion, accelerometer, etc...). Data range from 2003 to 2011. I am requesting the data be sent to me in electronic Excel file format.
Answer #1: Interested in the full data set and concerned that exclusion of data that might reveal a den location might be liberally applied to any spring and fall location. It would be best if the public body did not exclude this data.
Answer #2: Using GPS collars, the Yukon Government appears to have collared and tracked grizzly bears on Yukon's North Slope between January 1, 2004 and December 31, 2010. I am seeking all the data from these collars. I am not seeking information on a 'grid'. I am requesting all data from this data set, including spring and fall locations of collared bears, or locations that the public body may feel reveals potential den sites.