

Open data datasets

Machine-readable data, tabular data and geospatial data.


410 résultats

Roads - 50k - Canvec

Geomatics Yukon

    Transport Features is composed of, among others, the National Road Network (NRN) and the National Railway Network (NRWN). Transport Features entities are: Nautical Facility, Track Segment, Track Junction, Railway Station, Track Crossing, Track...

    Yukon road network

    Geomatics Yukon

      The Yukon Road Network is the authoritative source of road data for Yukon. This dataset represents road centrelines for road features administered by Government of Yukon. Road features not administered by Government of Yukon are supplied by...


      Geomatics Yukon

        Yukon Bedrock Geology MapThis update of the Yukon bedrock geology map builds upon the previous compilation by Gordey and Makepeace (1999, 2001). It includes new, detailed bedrock geology maps and regional compilations that have been published by...

        Communities and subdivisions - surveyed

        Geomatics Yukon

          Features are Administrative Land Objects that represent the spatial extents of a jurisdiction that is created and managed as a separate entity within the ICM database. Un-derived Administrative Areas include QUADs, Groups, Subdivisions,...