

Open data datasets

Machine-readable data, tabular data and geospatial data.


379 résultats

Shaded Relief - 500m

Geomatics Yukon

    This Shaded Relief Image has a resolution of 500 meters and was derived from the United States Geological Survey "30 Arc-second Digital Elevation Model". Distributed from GeoYukon [1] by the Government of Yukon [2] . Discover more digital...

    Trails - 250k - Canvec

    Geomatics Yukon

      Transport Features is composed of, among others, the National Road Network (NRN) and the National Railway Network (NRWN). Transport Features entities are: Nautical Facility, Track Segment, Track Junction, Railway Station, Track Crossing, Track...

      Municipal Boundaries

      Geomatics Yukon

        Municipal boundaries are created by Order in Council as per the Municipal Act. Each Municipality has it's own Official Community Plan (OCP) and Zoning Bylaw. Changes to the OCP or Zoning Bylaw are processed by 3rd reading of Bylaws. Distributed...

        Condos - Surveyed

        Geomatics Yukon

          Surveyed Condominium are Real Property Object representing the spatial extents of a condominium or apartment unit to which rights or interests can be registered. Condominium common areas are not included within this definition. Common areas are...

          Water Monitoring Sites

          Geomatics Yukon

            A wide range of different territorial, federal, and first nation governments have a role in monitoring water. The water monitoring sites data set compiles these varied sources into a single source with the intent to provide a 'one-stop shop'...