

Open data datasets

Machine-readable data, tabular data and geospatial data.


410 résultats

Whitehorse Trails - 10k

Geomatics Yukon

    The field work for the inventory was carried out during the winter of 2004/2005 with the project delivered by the contractor in October 2005. Delineation was based on 1:10,000 black and white photography acquired by the City of Whitehorse in 2001...

    Mineral claim adjoining parcels - 50k

    Geomatics Yukon

      When the tenure data differs from the actual post locations on the ground, we use adjoining parcels to show that the area has no open ground. Distributed from GeoYukon [1] by the Government of Yukon [2] . Discover more digital map data and...

      Structural Culverts - 25k

      Geomatics Yukon

        The purpose of this dataset is to provide structural culvert locations along highways . The definition of a Structural Culvert is a culvert with span of 2 metres or greater. Drainage culverts have a diameter less than 2 metres and are not...

        OIC - Yukon Act

        Geomatics Yukon

          Orders in Council (OIC) are regulations or legislative orders in relation to and authorized by an existing Act. This table identifies Yukon lands withdrawn from disposal, usually by Territorial Order in Council. In Corporate Spatial Warehouse (...

          Land Use Permits Polygon - 50k

          Geomatics Yukon

            Describes active land use applications and permits required under the Territorial Lands (Yukon) Act 2003/51 Land Use Regulation for the purpose of permitting "any work or undertaking on territorial lands". Distributed from GeoYukon [1] by the...

            Seal - Wildlife Key Area - 250k

            Geomatics Yukon

              Wildlife Key Areas (WKA) are locations used by wildlife for critical, seasonal life functions. WKAs are identified by interpreting observed locations of wildlife at key times of year, not through intensive habitat assessment. Polygons derived...