

90 résultats

Water Annotation - 1M

Geomatics Yukon

    Water feature annotation captured at 1:1,000,000 scale against the Digital Chart of the World base from the Canada Department of Energy, Mines and Resources Surveys...

    Placer Claims Grant Number Annotation - 30k

    Geomatics Yukon

      A placer claim is a parcel of land located or granted for placer mining. A claim also includes any ditches or water rights used for mining the claim and all other things belonging to or used in the working of the claim for mining purposes. A...

      Placer Claims Name Annotation - 30K

      Geomatics Yukon

        A placer claim is a parcel of land located or granted for placer mining. A claim also includes any ditches or water rights used for mining the claim and all other things belonging to or used in the working of the claim for mining purposes. A...

        Regional Stream Geochemistry 2003 - 250k

        Geomatics Yukon

          The Yukon Territory is underlain by a great variety of rock types ranging in age from Early Proterozoic to Recent and representing diverse environments including epicratonic basins, subsiding shelves, foreland basins, island arcs and deep ocean...

          Forest Openings

          Geomatics Yukon

            This coverage identifies logged areas (cutblocks, or openings). These areas are mapped by differentially corrected GPS. Attributes include type of harvest, species cut, and retention type.