

91 résultats

Placer Claims Name Annotation - 10K

Geomatics Yukon

    A placer claim is a parcel of land located or granted for placer mining. A claim also includes any ditches or water rights used for mining the claim and all other things belonging to or used in the working of the claim for mining purposes. A...

    Quartz Claims Name Annotation - 30K

    Geomatics Yukon

      A claim is a parcel of land located or granted for hard rock mining. A claim also includes any ditches or water rights used for mining the claim and all other things belonging to or used in the working of the claim for mining purposes. A claim is...

      Large Public Drinking Water Systems

      Geomatics Yukon

        This dataset is a record of existing data related to public drinking water systems and source water protection in Yukon and contains:• Spatial data including well and source water locations, well capture zones; and• Georeferenced metadata...

        Shaded Relief - 300m

        Geomatics Yukon

          This Shaded Relief Image has a resolution of 300 meters and was derived from the /Yukon 90m Shaded Relief/ from Environment Yukon, the /Canada 3D/ elevation model from Natural Resources Canada, and the United States Geological Survey /1:250k DEM...

          Ferry Routes - National Road Network

          Geomatics Yukon

            National Road Network Ferry Segment data of Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories, Alberta, and British Columbia. The data sets were clipped to the Yukon Territory CSW extent and merged. The NRN product is distributed in the form of thirteen...

            Land Parcels Closed

            Geomatics Yukon

              Land administered by Government of Yukon, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources (EMR), for which Status = Closed. Includes any land parcels closed for any reason.