


100 résultats

Well Report Table

Geomatics Yukon

    Oil and gas well reports to be used in conjunction with Oil and Gas Wells - 50k. Distributed from GeoYukon [1] by the Government of Yukon [2] . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection....

    Waterbodies - 1M

    Geomatics Yukon

      The Waterbodies dataset is comprised of area features: lakes, intermittent waterbodies, islands, and rivers wide enough to be represented as an area feature (e.g. St. Lawrence River, Mackenzie River). In a few exceptional cases, islands had to be...

      Municipal Boundaries

      Geomatics Yukon

        Municipal boundaries are created by Order in Council as per the Municipal Act. Each Municipality has it's own Official Community Plan (OCP) and Zoning Bylaw. Changes to the OCP or Zoning Bylaw are processed by 3rd reading of Bylaws. Distributed...

        Yukon Borders - Surveyed

        Geomatics Yukon

          Surveyed Borders are an Administrative Land Object that represents the spatial limits of a jurisdiction that is created and managed as a separate entity within the ICM database. In the original ICM dataset from NRCAN, this feature class is called...