



1650 résultats

Historical COVID-19 Dashboard Data

Health and Social Services

    Historical COVID-19 Dashboard Data from March 1, 2020 to October 31, 2022. New COVID-19 data is now reported as part of a respiratory surveillance report [1] for the Yukon. [1]

    Glacial limits - 1M

    Geomatics Yukon

      Yukon Territory has been glaciated by Cordilleran and montane glaciers at various times throughout the Pleistocene, as well as by continental ice, the Laurentine Ice Sheet in the Late Pleistocene. Throughout the Late Cenozoic, each successive...

      General Administration Manual: Volume 2

      Highways and Public Works

        The purposes of this manual are to: 1. outline Highways and Public Work's and other departments overall processes in broad terms and and include the rationale behind these processes; 2. offer an understanding of the various departmental policies...

        Substance Use Surveillance Reports

        Health and Social Services

          This report offers data on health-related harms from substance use in the Yukon and can be used to guide public health decisions, and will be updated quarterly. The report presents data from: Emergency Medical Services (EMS), hospital emergency...

          First Nations Traditional Territories


            A Traditional Territory is an area of the Yukon that the people of a First Nation have traditionally used. A First Nation does not own its Traditional Territory, but the First Nation and its beneficiaries have a number of rights within their...