
4 résultats

Education facilities - 50k

Geomatics Yukon

    This dataset provides the location of Yukon's education facilities ranging from elementary to post-seondary education. The data also includes contact information and general programming information about each facility. Distributed from GeoYukon by...

    Water Licences

    Geomatics Yukon

      Under the Yukon Waters Act, the Yukon Water Board issues water use licences for the use of water and/or the deposit of waste to water. To see the licences, and their reports, please visit Waterline, our online registry at https://www....

      Muskox - Level 3 - Wildlife Key Area - 250k

      Geomatics Yukon

        Wildlife Key Areas (WKA) are locations used by wildlife for critical, seasonal life functions. WKAs are identified by interpreting observed locations of wildlife at key times of year, not through intensive habitat assessment. Polygons derived...

        Water licence applications

        Geomatics Yukon

          Under the Yukon Waters Act, the Yukon Water Board issues water use licences for the use of water and/or the deposit of waste to water. To see the applications, and their reports, please visit Waterline, our online registry at https://www....