


15 résultats

Water Monitoring Sites

Geomatics Yukon

    A wide range of different territorial, federal, and first nation governments have a role in monitoring water. The water monitoring sites data set compiles these varied sources into a single source with the intent to provide a 'one-stop shop'...

    First Nation Traditional Territories - 1M

    Geomatics Yukon

      Traditional territories of Yukon first nations and settlement areas of Inuvialuit and Tetlit Gwich'in within the Yukon Territory. This data was built using the 1:1,000,000 Digital Chart of the World (DCW) data as the base and the 1:500,000...

      Fire Districts

      Geomatics Yukon

        Fire districts are administrative areas where wildland fire resources are allocated and deployed. They fall within one of six larger fire regions. Distributed from GeoYukon [1] by the Government of Yukon [2] . Discover more digital map data...

        Wetlands - 10k

        Geomatics Yukon

          CryoGeographic Consulting, in association with Palmer Environmental Consulting Group Inc., provided Yukon Energy, Mines and Resources and Yukon Environment with the results of the mapping and classification of wetlands and adjacent upland habitat...

          Water wells

          Geomatics Yukon

            The well registry is a collection of records, including drilling logs and report documents, maintained by Yukon G overnment. These records provide information on the well construction details and subsurface conditions encountered at the time of...

            Biophysical plots

            Geomatics Yukon

              Yukon Biophysical Plot locations are derived from the Yukon Biophysical Information System (YBIS) database, which is the Government of Yukon's repository for storing biophysical data . Data contain a combination of site, soil and vegetation...