This data shows anthropogenic polygon disturbance features. Features were digitized using high resolution satellite imagery and orthophotos. The following data was not included in the dataset: proposed features.
Table 1. A list of attributes, associated domains, and descriptions.
Attribute | Data Type | Domains | Description |
REF_ID | Text (20) | Unique feature reference ID | |
DATABASE | Text (20) | Historic, Most Recent, Retired | Sub-database to which the feature belongs |
TYPE_INDUSTRY | Text (50) | Table 2.3.2 | Major classification of disturbance feature by industry |
TYPE_DISTURBANCE | Text (50) | Table 2.3.2 | Sub classification of disturbance feature |
SCALE_CAPTURED | Long | Scale at which the feature was digitized | |
DATA_SOURCE | Text (10) | Imagery, GPS, Other | Data source: digitized from imagery, captured by GPS, or obtained by other means |
IMAGE_NAME | Text (100) | Filename of source imagery | |
IMAGE_DATE | Date | Date that imagery was captured (YYYYMMDD) | |
IMAGE_RESOLUTION | Double | Resolution of source imagery in meters | |
IMAGE_SENSOR | Text (35) | Name of sensor that captured source imagery |
Table 2. A list of disturbance feature types and their descriptions.
Agriculture | Agriculture | Farms, ranches, or other agricultural areas |
Forestry | Forestry | Cut blocks or other forestry related activities |
Mining | Building | A building footprint or the building and the surrounding land related to mining activities. |
Drill Pad | Drill pad features related to mineral exploration activities | |
Fuel Cache | Remote caches of fuel allowing for mineral exploration activities (will often have fuel tanks and barrels) | |
Gravel Pit / Quarry | Pit or quarry for mining gravel or aggregate | |
Laydown area | Areas used to store materials and equipment for mining operations | |
Mining | Miscellaneous or unknown mining activities | |
Placer Mining - Minor | Placer mining area with little disturbance | |
Placer Mining - Significant | Placer mining area with greater disturbance | |
Quartz Mining - Minor | Quartz mining area with little disturbance | |
Quartz Mining - Significant | Quartz mining area with greater disturbance | |
Tailing Pond | Tailing pond associated with mining activity | |
Camp | Mining camp | |
Oil and Gas | Well Pad | Cleared area surrounding oil or gas well |
Rural | Camp | Any camp outside of mining areas, including fishing/hunting camps, ENV conservation officer cabins/camps, outfitters, etc. |
Homestead | Rural dwelling and associated land | |
Transportation | Airstrip | Airport or Airstrip |
Clearing | Clearings that are related to transportation but could not be clearly attributed as a turn area, pullout, road cut and fill, etc. | |
Gravel Pit / Quarry | Gravel pits related to transportation | |
Pullout / Turn Area | An area associated with transportation and is intended as a vehicle pullout or turn area | |
Road Cut and Fill | Cut slopes and moved earth for road construction purposes | |
Unknown | Clearing | A tract of land devoid (or nearly devoid) of natural land cover and suspected to be anthropogenic in nature |
Gravel Pit / Quarry | A gravel pit with unknown related industry | |
Unknown | Unable to identify from imagery, but suspected to be anthropogenic | |
Urban | Building | Visible building or structure |
Cemetery | Cemetery | |
Clearing | Miscellaneous urban clearings | |
Cul-de-sac / Turn Area | A turn area associated with transportation or road cul-de-sac | |
Dam | Barrier impounding water or stream | |
Golf Course | Recreational golfing area | |
Industrial | Areas that are designated for industrial uses: factories, tank farm, transportation area | |
Institutional | Any institutional buildings and immediate cleared area: School, government, etc. | |
Landfill | Site used for disposal of waste materials | |
Pond | Standing body of water, created anthropogenically; includes sewage lagoons, wastewater facilities, and artificial bodies of water. | |
Recreation Area | Visible disturbance in Urban / Rural parks and recreation areas | |
Rural Residential | Land use in which housing predominates in an urban or community setting | |
Tower | A tall structure, possibly used for communications or forestry | |
Urban | Miscellaneous or unknown urban features |
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Data and resources
Field | Value |
Publisher | |
Modified | 2022-10-14 |
Release Date | 2023-10-12 |
Homepage URL | |
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location | Yukon |
Licence | |
Data Dictionary | Places |
Public Access Level | Public |