This GIS dataset is a Yukon-wide compilation of surficial geology lines derived from 75 published and unpublished 1:50,000 surficial geology maps produced by the GSC, Yukon Geological Survey and various universities. Surficial geology line features captured in this compilation include: surficial geological contacts; glacial limits; glacial landforms such as cirques, aretes, eskers, meltwater channels and moraines; and non-glacial landforms such as faults, lineaments, landslides, and escarpments.
Data and resources
- Geodatabase
1:50,000 scale surficial geology line features in ArcGIS geodatabase (v10) format, including layer symbology file (17.9 MB zipped / 39.3 MB unzipped)
Download - PDF (YGS source maps only)
Compilation source maps and legends originally produced by YGS may be downloaded in PDF format by clicking on the links provided in the ?Related References? table below, or by searching the YGS integrated data system (YGSIDS) by author, title and/or publication number.
Go to resource - PDF (GSC source maps only)
Compilation source maps and legends originally produced by GSC may be downloaded in PDF format by searching the GEOSCAN publications database by author, title and/or publication number.
Go to resource - Yukon Digital Surficial Geology Compilation Info
Background information on the Yukon digital surficial geology compilation project as a whole, including: data compilation methods; a summary of the Yukon terrain classification system; and descriptions and links to all GIS products (24 page PDF document, 798 KB)
Go to resource - Google Earth (kmz)
Google Earth layer file representing 1:50,000 scale point, line and polygon surficial geology features (83.5 MB)
Download - Terrain Classification System Codes
Standard terminology for surficial geology line features are found in the ?LINES? tab of the spreadsheet
Field | Value |
Publisher | |
Modified | 2021-07-06 |
Release Date | 2019-05-08 |
Frequency | Irregularly |
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location | Yukon |
Temporal Coverage | Wednesday, December 31, 1969 - 16:00 |
Licence | |
Public Access Level | Public |
Department | Energy, Mines and Resources |
Publication type | Organizational responsibilities and functions |
Field | Value |
Feature Type | Line |
Layer Type | Surficial Geology |