
In April 2022 the Department of Education received a report from Sandra Cunningham summarizing her investigation into the physical abuse and use of corporal punishment at Jack Hulland Elementary School. That report was not released publicly even though it potentially identifies minors that are victims of abuse - minors whose parents may not be aware of what happened to their children. I am seeking all communications and documentation by, between, and among the following people regarding this report and the decision to keep it from the public, including Teams messages, email, digital copies of voicemails, briefing notes, professional notes in physical notebooks: [NAMES] Search items include but are not limited to: "Sandy Cunningham", "Internal Investigation", "restraints", "seclusion", "RCMP Investigation", "Jack Hulland Elementary" "JHE", "ATIPP", "production order", "HR Investigation".
Timeframe: April 1, 2022 - October 31, 2022

Final Response documents: 
Date of Request
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Response type
Granted in part
Summary type
Access summary
Public body
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