
According to the HVE (Safer Schools) Action Plan (Action 6) and the Response to the CYAO Report on HVE, training is to be provided to all school-based staff on policy and procedures on prevention, responding to and reporting harm to students. I am requesting the records for each public school in the Yukon and for the Department of Education, indicating which staff members and their roles in schools (or at the department) have completed initial and yearly refresher training as stated in the response to the YCAO regarding Hidden Valley Elementary School. I recognize all names will be redacted, but the completion rate for this training by role and by school/department, including bus drivers, custodians, school council and school board members (language taken directly from the public facing action plan response) is what I am seeking.
Timeframe: April 1, 2022 - November 7, 2023

Final Response documents: 
Date of Request
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Response type
Granted in part
Summary type
Access summary
Public body
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