
Please provide all records, including all documents regarding the proposed placer mine at Faro Gulch, YESAB Project Number 2023-0071. In particular, include all discussion, notes, correspondence, and analysis both within YG’s Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources and across other YG departments regarding YESAB Project Number 2023-0071. In particular, please include any discussion, consideration, and/or assessment of the impacts of YESAB Project Number 2023-0071 on the exercise of FNNND’s Aboriginal and Treaty rights. Further, include information about how the draft Decision Documents for 2023-0071 were developed.
Timeframe: January 1, 2023 - December 8, 2023

Final Response documents: 
Date of Request
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Response type
Granted in part
Summary type
Access summary
Public body
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