Plans and reports from the Department of Environment
Data and resources
- Northern Mountain Caribou Management Guidelines
These guidelines provide an overview of the scientific information used by Environment Yukon and other parties to make monitoring and harvest management decisions specific to Northern Mountain caribou populations in Yukon.
Download - Three Decades of Caribou Recovery Programs in Yukon: A Paradigm Shift in Wildlife Management 308 KB
A look back at Caribou Recovery Programs - provides a record of understanding of the changes observed.
Download - Yukon Woodland Caribou Composition Surveys 2012
Fall composition surveys are one of the key tools used by Environment Yukon to monitor mountain-dwelling woodland caribou herds in Yukon. Calf:cow and bull:cow ratios are estimated during aerial surveys, providing measures of the herd’s productivity and sex ratio, respectively.
Download - Range Assessment As a Cumulative Effects Management Tool: A Recommended Approach for Environment Yukon
While woodland caribou were identified as the initial Yukon focal wildlife species to be considered for range assessment methods, the general approach described here may also be broadly applicable to grizzly bear, moose or sheep.
Field | Value |
Publisher | |
Modified | 2024-12-09 |
Release Date | 2020-07-08 |
Frequency | Irregularly |
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location | Yukon |
Temporal Coverage | Monday, March 30, 2020 - 00:00 |
Licence | |
Public Access Level | Public |
Department | Environment |
How often does this publication need to be updated? | Monthly |
Publication type | Auditor final reports |