Plans and reports from the Department of Environment
Data and resources
- 2018 Climate Change Action Plan Update
This report provides a snapshot of progress on previous commitments and summarizes work underway. It also closes the 2009 Climate Change Action Plan series.
Download - 2015 Climate Change Action Plan Progress Report
This report provides updates on actions committed to in the Climate Change Action Plan (2009) and Progress Report (2012), an overview of the accomplishments that reach beyond these original commitments, and identifies new activities and initiatives to help achieve the Yukon government’s existing goals.
Download - 2012 Climate Change Action Plan Progress Report
This report details progress made on the Yukon government’s 33 priority climate change actions and on actions that have developed over the last three years.
Download - Climate Change Action Plan
The Action Plan sets out how the Yukon government is responding to climate change. It shows actions now underway as well as what new or enhanced actions would help advance the government's priorities.
Download - A Snapshot: Yukon Government Actions on Climate Change during 2006 & 2007
A summary of all Yukon government actions in response to climate change during the period 2006 to 2007.
Download - What We Heard: A Summary of Comments on the Yukon Government Draft Climate Change Action Plan
The feedback received during the public consultation held May 7 - July 31 is summarized in this report and was used to complete a final version of the Action Plan.
Download - Yukon Government Climate Change Strategy 2006
This outlines how the government will build on existing programs, activities and experience to respond to the impacts of climate change.
Download - Yukon Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The transportation sector Final Report
The original purpose of this research project was to build on the available knowledge from previous work done in the Yukon by using a wide variety of data sources to produce a clearer and more detailed picture of the sources of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG’s) from the transportation sector in the territory.
Download - Yukon Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The transportation sector Updated Report 2015pdf
This report builds on the March 2013 version (above) with updated data from Environment Canada, Statistics Canada, Yukon Bureau of Statistics, and YG Finance.
Download - Yukon ‘State of Play’: Analysis of Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation
A report on how climate change is affecting Yukon, what actions have been taken to date to help us adapt, and the key challenges that we’ll need to address to adapt in the future. It also explores the economic challenges and opportunities related to adaptation.
Download - Yukon Youth Outside (the box) 2007
Reporting the results of the August 29, 2007 workshop that brought 24 Yukoners ages 16 to 27 to Sprucewind Camp at Marsh Lake. The Youth were tasked with the question: What would Youth do, in place of the Yukon Government, if asked to solve Climate Change?
Download - Informing the development of Our Clean Future: a Yukon strategy for climate change, energy and a green economy (2020)pdf
This report documents the methodology, assumptions and results of a comprehensive analysis into the impacts of a subset of the policies outlined in Our Clean Future on greenhouse gas emissions and economic activity. This comprehensive analysis was conducted for all policies that are anticipated to have a measurable impact on Yukon’s greenhouse gas emissions between the present and 2030.
Download - Greenhouse gas emissions in Yukon (2020)pdf
Report on greenhouse gas emissions in Yukon using data from 2009 to 2017.
Download - Greenhouse gas emissions in Yukon: 2019 (2021)pdf
This report presents Yukon’s total greenhouse gas emissions in 2019. It also explains how greenhouse gas emissions are calculated and examines changes in emissions between 2009 and 2019.
Download - Government of Yukon corporate greenhouse gas emissions (2020)pdf
Report on Government of Yukon greenhouse gas emissions from 2010 to 2018. Identifies the main emission sources and analyzes the factors relevant to emission increases and decreases over time.
Download - Government of Yukon greenhouse gas emissions: 2019 (2021)pdf
This report details the Government of Yukon’s total greenhouse gas emissions in 2019. It also identifies major emission sources and provides an analysis regarding the major factors that have influenced emissions over time.
Download - Our Clean Future: A Yukon strategy for climate change, energy and a green economy (2020)pdf
Actions the Government of Yukon will take to address the impacts of climate change while building a green economy and ensuring Yukoners can access reliable, affordable and renewable energy. Includes targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve resilience to the impacts of climate change.
Download - Our Clean Future: 2020 annual report (2021)pdf
Details progress toward key goals and targets in Our Clean Future and includes the most recent data on the Yukon’s greenhouse gas emissions and renewable electricity generation. Also identifies necessary adaptations to reach our 2030 climate change goals.
Download - Greenhouse gas emissions in the Yukon: 2020 (2022)pdf
The first section of this report provides an explanation of how the Yukon’s greenhouse gas emissions are calculated including an overview of key data sources and explanation of recent methodological updates. The second section presents annual greenhouse gas emission totals and a look at how they have changed between 2009 and 2020. The third section analyzes the impact of key factors such as the Yukon’s population and gross domestic product on emissions.
Download - Government of Yukon greenhouse gas emissions: 2020 (2022)pdf
This report communicates the Government of Yukon’s total greenhouse gases in 2020. It identifies major emission sources and provides an analysis of the major factors that have influenced emissions over time. This report also presents the methodology used to calculate the Government of Yukon’s greenhouse gas inventory.
Download - Assessing Climate Change Risk and resilience in the Yukon: executive summary (2022)pdf
The risk assessment had three main objectives: build an understanding of climate resilience across the Yukon; highlight the priorities for reducing risks; and identify the factors that contribute to resilience.
Download - Assessing Climate Change Risk and Resilience in the Yukon: main report (2022)pdf
This project supports the implementation of Our Clean Future, the Government of Yukon’s climate change, energy and green economy strategy (Government of Yukon 2020b). In Our Clean Future, the government commits to assessing climate hazards (Box 1) and
vulnerabilities to those hazards across the territory every three to four years between 2020 and 2030 to prioritize climate change adaptation actions.2 Our Clean Future sets out an adaptation target: “by 2030, [the] Yukon will be highly... - Our Clean Future 2021 annual report (2022)pdf
This report shows what we have achieved and where we many need to adjust our approach to reach our 2030 climate change goals as outlined in the Our Clean Future strategy. As well as reporting on existing actions in response to climate change, it also covers 5 new and 13 revised actions.
Field | Value |
Publisher | |
Modified | 2023-04-05 |
Release Date | 2020-07-08 |
Frequency | Irregularly |
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location | Yukon |
Temporal Coverage | Monday, March 30, 2020 - 00:00 |
Licence | |
Public Access Level | Public |
Department | Environment |
How often does this publication need to be updated? | Monthly |
Publication type | Auditor final reports |