129 results

Student Safety Program

Privacy Impact Assessment #: EDU-PIA-2024-04
Public Body Name : Education
Date of Approval: Tuesday, December 17, 2024

The Student Safety Program guides staff in protecting students from harm by adults, and in responding to incidents. The program aims to prevent and provide timely response to harm on students by adults during school and school-related activities.

This initiative includes the following policy and related procedures, reporting forms, and guidance:

  • Student Protection Policy

  • Procedures for Preventing and Responding to Harm by Adults

  • Preventing and Responding to Harm Reporting Form

  • Yukon School Post-Incident Communications Guidance

Beringia Centre - Lenel On Guard CCTV

Privacy Impact Assessment #: TC-PIA-2024-01
Public Body Name : Tourism and Culture
Date of Approval: Tuesday, November 26, 2024

The Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre (YBIC) currently uses video surveillance technology on the centre’s property for theft deterrence and security incident review. No cameras are located within sensitive areas (i.e. bathrooms or changing rooms). The cameras are live monitored by YBIC staff at the reception desk and the recorded footage is restricted to access by only the YBIC Manager and the Program Coordinator.


Privacy Impact Assessment #: HSS-PIA-2024-05
Public Body Name : Health and Social Services
Date of Approval: Tuesday, November 19, 2024

The Yukon Department of Health and Social Service (“HSS”), Continuing Care (“CC”) division is implementing its Nav-CARE program for HSS clients. Nav-CARE is a volunteer program that is being implemented in health organizations across Canada that supports the quality of life of persons living with declining health. Through the program, CC will train volunteers and match them with HSS clients to help those clients and their families access resources and services in their communities, while providing companionship and emotional support. Nav-CARE volunteers will not provide medical care or medical supports to HSS clients. This PIA will focus on the privacy considerations of CC’s Nav-CARE program and will review the collection, use, and disclosure of PI and PHI involving CC’s Nav-CARE program.

Otter AI

Privacy Impact Assessment #: ENV-PIA-2024-05
Public Body Name :
Date of Approval: Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Otter.ai is a dual-purpose tool that captures recordings in electronic formats (i.e. Teams meetings) and creates live transcripts for in-person meetings and training. This tool is used for the purpose of streamlining the Department of Environment’s processes and ensure accuracy during information processing. Otter.ai will be used for multiple purposes including but not limited to i) reviewing statements and facts, and ii) provide accessibility solutions. Otter.ai will not be a public-facing software. It is for internal use within the Department of Environment.


Privacy Impact Assessment #: HPW-PIA-2024-08
Public Body Name : Highways and Public Works
Date of Approval: Thursday, October 3, 2024

Highway and Public Works (“HPW”) eServices is leading a strategic effort to modernize, standardize, and digitize services by increasing their capabilities in terms of the complexity of and the range of services offered to Yukon Government (“YG”) Departments. The implementation of DocuPhase will help expedite the building and conversion of online forms with complex business logic and dynamic workflows, as well as minimizing the effort required by Departments to complete required privacy impact assessments.
HPW eServices Branch will offer the use of DocuPhase to other YG Departments. DocuPhase allows for Departments to create online forms and their required workflows. While the overall DocuPhase system will be managed and supported by eServices, the Personal Information (“PI”), or Personal Health Information (“PHI”) that may be collected via the forms will be determined and approved by the Department. This includes other considerations such as consent for the collection, limiting collection, and any use or onward disclosure of the information. As will be detailed below, these considerations are not within the scope of this PIA but will be included within the privacy assessments conducted by each Department.

EmerCom Technologies Video Surveillance Elevators

Privacy Impact Assessment #: HPW-PIA-2024-07
Public Body Name : Highways and Public Works
Date of Approval: Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Department of Highways and Public Works (HPW) must abide by legislation, including the new Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators (CSA B44-19) elevator code implemented in (2020). The new elevator standard requires verbal communication when the phone button is activated. The CSA B44-19 also requires a one-way video portal as the discretion of the receiving operator to view the floor surface of the elevator cab while communicating with the elevator occupant that requested the communication. ASME A17.1/B44:19 Safety code includes a requirement for visual monitoring from the answering centre.

HPW installed an elevator at the Jim Smith Building with the EmerCom system operator that enables the safety team to have the ability of seeing individuals inside the elevator in case of emergency. This ability is activated by depressing the emergency call button and an automated email with the snapshot of the inside cabin floor and link to the live video stream is sent to the Emercom at 121-3989 Henning Drive, Burnaby BC V5C6P8. When this has been prompted, the Venture and Future Today Contact Centre will provide support to the individuals stuck in the elevator including those non-responsive individuals to verbal commands. The elevator is not recording video to adhere to privacy rules and the live stream will only get activated upon making a call from the occupant of the elevators.

Envoke - Email Communication Distribution Client

Privacy Impact Assessment #: CS-PIA-2024-04
Public Body Name : Community Services
Date of Approval: Friday, July 19, 2024

The Yukon Government (YG) has implemented Envoke, a new email communication platform, which is a Canadian owned and operated company that specializes in working with communication professionals. The platform is used for email distribution and communication management and enables clients to effectively manage email communication in compliance with Canadian communications and privacy legislation. The Highways and Public Works (HPW) eServices department manages all implementations for YG.

Wildland Fire Management (WFM) is the wildfire response body of the Government of Yukon. Its mandate is to protect life, property, infrastructure and to facilitate the creation of wildfire resilient Yukon communities. WFM also manages burn permits, coordinates community wildfire protection planning, and provides wildfire updates to the public. The WFM Branch of Community Services is desirous of obtaining the services of the Envoke email distribution client. WFM will move from the existing emergency information distribution methods onto the Envoke platform in order to better and more effectively manage Yukon Community Wildfire communications.

This service promotes and ensures safety of lives and property of Yukoners as WFM navigates emergencies particularly during the fire seasons. Subscriptions allow Yukoners to receive emergency wildfire alerts and bulletin notifications for their chosen localities. These communications may include fire alerts, prescribed burning notices, prohibitions, advisories, and evacuation alerts. Yukoners may also receive links to further information about planned work and safety information on Yukon Protective Services social media pages

Envoke - Email Communication Platform

Privacy Impact Assessment #: HPW-PIA-2024-06
Public Body Name : Highways and Public Works
Date of Approval: Monday, July 15, 2024

The Yukon Government (YG) is implementing Envoke, a new email communication platform. Envoke is a Canadian owned and operated company that specializes in working with communication professionals. While other email platforms, such as MailChimp or Constant Contact, are designed for marketers to generate commercial revenue, Envoke focuses on facilitating effective and compliant communication. All client data is maintained on servers in Canada and service support is provided from within Canada as well. Envoke works with organizations such as government agencies, municipalities, universities, regulatory bodies, healthcare providers, financial institutions
and more. Envoke is very user friendly, and administrators can easily manage their accounts, departments, messages, and subscriptions. It has many privacy and security features in place as well as ensures Canadian Anti-spam Law (CASL) compliance. The application includes tools to automatically collect, track and upgrade to express consent under CASL and all types of implied consent expiry dates are tracked to automatically suppress emails where consent is no longer valid.

YG Dental Program Addendum Pharmacare

Privacy Impact Assessment #: HSS-PIA-2024-04
Public Body Name : Health and Social Services
Date of Approval: Friday, July 5, 2024

This PIA is an addendum to document the process change for the Seniors Pharmacare application and gathering of dental data from Medigent and submitting the data to Pacific Blue Cross for processing of dental claims.

Currently, the Pharmacare and Extended Health Benefits Application Forms are processed through the Medigent Claims Processing System by the Pharmacare Dental Officer (PDO). PDO are employees of HSS. Claims are received from the dental office or the pharmacare beneficiary and verified to be eligible in Medigent. Claims are then processed and paid by the Insured Health Finance department.

Moving forward, the Pharmacare and Extended Health Benefits Application Form will continue to be processed through Medigent for the Extended Health Benefits, however all eligible applicants will now be registered with Pacific Blue Cross (PBC) for their Dental Benefits and dental claims will be billed through PBC directly.

Hanger D Video Surveillance Camera System

Privacy Impact Assessment #: CS-PIA-2024-03
Public Body Name : Community Services
Date of Approval: Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Department of Community Services Wildland Fire Management is responsible for managing wildfires; working to prevent personal injury, loss of life and to minimize social and economic disruption resulting from wildfires pursuant to the Government of Yukon's Legislation including the Forest Protection Act, and Civil Emergency Measures Act. In this regard the Department uses Hanger D as a point of assembly for centralized emergency incident management and dispatch. Hanger D also serves as a home to Wildland Fire Management's items and equipment including trailers, quads, oils, and gas tanks. Not only that, the Department has been subject to a few thefts of functional equipment and assets. The theft of these assets has resulted in a loss of capital investment and a diminished capacity for the department to deploy immediate emergency response when needed.