124 results

Media Development - Film Fund

Privacy Impact Assessment #: ECD-PIA-2023-04
Public Body Name : Economic Development
Date of Approval: Friday, March 17, 2023

The Yukon Government ("VG") has developed four media funding programs managed by the Media Development ("MD") team, which aims at:
• Maintaining and ultimately increasing the level of total independent media production
and expenditure in the Yukon;
• Maximizing Yukon employment opportunities for Yukoners resulting from media
production in the Yukon; and
• Encouraging sustainable growth in the Yukon media production sector, resulting in a
stronger infrastructure of skills and services.

Industry Conference Registration

Privacy Impact Assessment #: HPW-PIA-2023-04
Public Body Name : Highways and Public Works
Date of Approval: Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Highways and Public Works - Procurement Support Centre (HPW-PS Centre) requires an online event registration tool for the annual Yukon Industry Conference. The tool will allow government employees and business representatives to sign up for the event and collect the associated payment. A link to the online registration will be available on Yukon.ca where users will be redirected to an Upstream webpage for the processing of payment and registration purposes.

Worker's Safety and Compensation Board Yukon (WSCB) data in People, Metrics, Analytics and Projects (PMAP)

Privacy Impact Assessment #: PSC-PIA-2023-01
Public Body Name : Public Service Commission
Date of Approval: Tuesday, February 21, 2023

The People, Metrics, Analytics and Projects (PMAP) Branch within the Public Service Commission (PSC) is responsible for providing information to senior leaders and decision makers to enable evidence and data-based decisions. The branch will use Worker's Safety and Compensation Board (WSCB) data and transform it into illustrative and dynamic models. These models will assist senior management with evidence-based decision making.

The benefit of evidence-based data is that strategic planning and resources can be targeted to address specific workplace and business issues. For example, the analysis of accidents versus lack of training uptake by staff may justify mandatory training. Without metrics, resources may be randomly applied to initiatives that may not address gaps. Evidence-based data therefore facilitates efficient use of resources towards impactful business and workplace solutions.

CANImmunize 2.0

Privacy Impact Assessment #: HSS-PIA-2023-02
Public Body Name : Health and Social Services
Date of Approval: Monday, February 20, 2023

CANImmunize (CANI) is a Canadian solution that was partially funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada. It is designed specifically to assist organizations in efficiently running mass immunization clinics. It also helps eliminate the use of paper, reduce wait times between vaccinations, maintain electronic vaccination records and can provide Yukoners with digital proof of vaccinations.

YG Immigration - Yukon Nominee Program

Privacy Impact Assessment #: ECD-PIA-2023-02
Public Body Name : Economic Development
Date of Approval: Tuesday, February 14, 2023

The Yukon Nominee Program (YNP) is an economic immigration program designed to fill labour market shortages unfilled by the local labour market by nominating qualified workers for permanent residence (PR) in Canada. The Government of Yukon administers the program in partnership with Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) under the Agreement for Canada-Yukon Co-operation on Immigration. The Government of Canada allocates a limited number of nominations each year to Yukon.

Driving the Firebelt (Audio Tour App)

Privacy Impact Assessment #: ENV-PIA-2023-01
Public Body Name : Environment
Date of Approval: Wednesday, February 8, 2023

The initiative plans to use a 3rd party mobile app to deliver information regarding wildfires and their impacts to ecology along the North Klondike Highway. The app to be publicly known as "Driving the Firebelt" is provided by MyTours through STQRY.com. They provide a template and the Wildlife Viewing Program will provide all the required content to the template. When the app is built, it will be hosted in the App Store or Google Play and can be downloaded by users who are interested in listening to information about wildfires in the Yukon as they are driving. This PIA covers the interaction between users and the app provided by STQRY. The scope of this PIA will also explore how personal information (PI) will be collected, used and/or disclosed by the Department of Environment. The department does not plan to collect any PI from users using the Firebelt Tour app. There will be no login/sign-in option for the app. Users will be able to use the app immediately after downloading it.


Privacy Impact Assessment #: HPW-PIA-2023-01
Public Body Name : Highways and Public Works
Date of Approval: Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Public engagement is an important aspect of government projects and as such the Yukon government (YG) sought out a standard tool known as "PlaceSpeak", as a new community engagement solution. PlaceSpeak is a Canadian online, location-based citizen engagement platform used for the public engagement process that enables members of the public to share ideas, comments, and concerns on topics impacting them and their community. Citizens can be restricted however to only those within specific geographical boundaries on any single topic, allowing for engagement with directly affected citizens only. feedback data is authenticated to place and geospatially segmented and cane be used to support evidence based decision-making and public policy development.

Yukon Dental Program Pacific Blue Cross

Privacy Impact Assessment #: HSS-PIA-2023-01
Public Body Name : Health and Social Services
Date of Approval: Tuesday, January 10, 2023

The Government of Yukon (YG) has committed to provide dental and other extended health benefits to uninsured Yukoners as per the 2021 Confidence and Supply Agreement (CASA) and the Putting People First report. The new dental program is a policy-based program for uninsured, low-income individuals. The public dental plan focuses on the relief of pain and infection, prevention of disease, and restoration of chewing and/or social function. YG will begin to close the gaps experienced by low-income Yukoners who do not have access to extended benefits by implementing these comprehensive extended health benefits. The new publicly funded dental program will use a payer-of-last resort model and be income-tested.

YG has chosen Pacific Blue Cross (PBC) as the vendor to help implement this new Dental Program. Pacific Blue Cross is BC’s only Health Benefits Society and British Columbia’s number one health benefits provider. Based in Burnaby, BC, and in partnership with CUPE 1816, the union representing roughly three-quarters of its 750-person local workforce, the not-for-profit organization provides health, dental, life, disability and travel coverage for 1 in 3 British Columbians through group benefits and individual plans. As part of its mission to improve health and wellbeing for British Columbians, Pacific Blue Cross proactively supports charitable organizations across the province working to improve health outcomes. Pacific Blue Cross now looks forward to working with Yukoners to improve health and wellbeing.

Yukon Dental Program

Privacy Impact Assessment #: HSS-PIA-2022-11
Public Body Name : Health and Social Services
Date of Approval: Friday, December 30, 2022

Many Yukoners have some type of access to extended health benefits through their employer, with benefits that cover services such as prescription drugs, dental care, vision care, physiotherapy, optometry, and necessary medical equipment. However, not everyone has access to these benefits, which can make it difficult to afford these services. Without these basic health services Yukoners can have poor health outcomes, including pain, poor nutrition, increased risk for certain chronic diseases, as well as poorer quality of life. Unemployment, temporary employment and low wage employment situations are often associated with lack of benefits. People who do not have these benefits through their employer are also the least likely to be able to afford paying out-of-pocket for these services.
The Government of Yukon (YG) has committed to provide dental and other extended health benefits to uninsured Yukoners as per the 2021 Confidence and Supply Agreement (CASA) and the Putting People First report. The new dental program is a policy-based program for the uninsured, low-income individuals. The public dental plan focuses on the relief of pain and infection, prevention of disease, and restoration of chewing and/or social function.
YG will begin to close the gaps experienced by low-income Yukoners who do not have access to extended benefits by implementing these comprehensive extended health benefits. The new publicly funded dental program will use a payer-of-last resort model and be income-tested. This plan will not apply to Yukoners who already have insurance.

Yukon Heritage Information System

Privacy Impact Assessment #: TC-PIA-2022-03
Public Body Name : Tourism and Culture
Date of Approval: Thursday, December 22, 2022

The Historic Sites unit (Historic Sites) with the Department of Tourism and Culture (T&C) provides for the research, preservation, management, development and interpretation of Yukon's historic places. Historic Sites takes part in implementing the Historic Resources Act and the Government of Yukon heritage obligations under the Umbrella Final Agreement and the individual First Nation final agreements. This work is assisted by multiple research and site record databases, including the Yukon Historic Site Inventory (YHSI) application and additional research and interpretive site management databases.
A Yukon Heritage Information System (YHSI or the Database) review project, completed in 2020, determined that the current databases needed to be upgraded. The current project aims to create a reliable and secure online application to store historical and current information about the historic sites in Yukon. The goal is to provide a central repository of all historic sites databases with options for controlled access to protect sensitive information as well as for subsets of information to be made publicly available, while ensuring the security of all data.
The System will also be linked to the Yukon Register of Historic Places (Register), which is a publicly accessible database, found at http://register.yukonhistoricplaces.ca/. The information contained on the Registry is required to be shared under section 24 and 55 of the Historic Resources Act.