The Government of Yukon ("YG") has purchased Microsoft E3 licensing and has implemented the Microsoft 365 suite of cloud services (M365) across the government departments, including Health and Social Services ("HSS"). HPW will manage M365 on behalf of HSS and other YG departments. M365 offers state-of-the-art information technology services which will enable YG to achieve better outcomes, while lowering the overall cost and complexity of YG's IT services. In addition, MS holds the highest levels of industry-level certifications with regards to information security: ISO 27001 and 270018, FedRAMP, SOC 1 and 2 and Cloud Security Alliance's STAR Certification.
Microsoft provides all the infrastructure, including all the applications, operating system, cloud management, and network software, including the server and storage hardware elements required to support these software components. Microsoft has no standing access to the service components that YG is responsible for, namely, applications configurations, and all applications data in their cloud SaaS solution. MS only interacts with customer data under exceptional circumstances for the purpose of providing support services when a problem cannot be self-remedied by the customer's own IT or inhouse support teams.
This PIA will focus on HSS' use of the M365 products, as managed on their behalf by the HPW. It is a companion PIA that will focus exclusively on the privacy considerations related to HSS' use of these HPW managed applications. HPW has conducted a full PIA, which should be read in conjunction with this companion PIA for a fulsome understanding of the product(s).